April 23 – April 29, 2021

“It is, surely, our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us but for all life on earth.”
~Sir David Attenborough



~ A Call to Connection ~


  • Reflection- from Amy Day
  • RE Corner
  • HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection
  • Climate Action Campaign News
  • Caring Connection
  • Virtual Green Sheet
  • Book and Puzzle Exchange
  • UU Ministry for the Earth – Save the date reminders

Reflection- from Amy Day

To the Beloved Community~

Recently, with full vaccination on board and a clear span of a few open days at my disposal, I got to partake of a ritual I’ve missed dearly inside the last year: travel.  I packed my car with the essentials and headed off into the Sierras for a few days to hike, soak in warm water, read at leisure, and catch up with a loved one.  And although the downtime did me inestimable good, it was the away-ness that seemed to hold the most transformative power.

There is something gained when we are granted the opportunity to momentarily step back from the tiny details of our lives and back up to get a more sweeping view.  Away from the minutiae, I am always amazed at how clear my priorities become once more.  The path, that seemed hazy and uncertain, suddenly begins to reveal itself.  I am able to step into a place of proactive intention, rather than just re-active, knee-jerk responding to the ticker tape demands of daily life.

If viewed from a certain angle, one could argue the expanse of this last year allowed many of us to travel momentarily outside the bounds of our normal ways of being.  Though it is not the mode of transport any of us would have chosen, this crucible of an experience did provide us with a range of opportunities to view the landscape of our existence through fresh (though grief-stricken) eyes.

Faced with so much death, what have we discovered about what in this Life we truly hold dear?
Surrounded by so much uncertainty, what bedrock truths have we managed to land upon?  (And does it ask us to shift the landscape of our world accordingly now?)
Left to such long isolation, who are the faces and figures we long for?  And how can we convey the depth of our love for them now that we get to be with them once more?
In the heartbreak and devastation of not new, but newly visible injustice, how will we exercise our own newly restored freedoms and privileges on behalf of the marginalized?

As the world continues to reopen, and we feel ourselves called back into it more fully…
As we travel from the bardo of the year past into the tentative hope of what’s next…
May we not lose the insights, the devastating clarity, and conviction of this tumultuous journey we’ve just endured.
May we successfully exit the Dragon’s Lair, the Underworld, the Belly of the Whale that was 2020, but not leave behind the hard-won Elixir we claimed whilst inside that realm.

In the classic wheel of the Hero’s Journey, we are told, “Ultimately the Hero will return to where he started but things will clearly never be the same again.”

May it be so.
And may the world, in turn, be changed by the newfound truths that you carry.

in grace & gratitude,
Amy Day (she/her)
Fellowship Engagement Coordinator, HUUF


Important Dates For May

May 1 – Groundbreaking begins on the Nature-based Playscape!!!
May 2 – In our Sunday morning RE Gathering, we’ll begin exploring the Soulful Home theme of STORY (see packet attached below)
– Also, our RE Committee will have our monthly (in-person) meeting at 12:30 pm.  Join us!
May 8 – 10-12, Join us for our make-up Earth Day celebration @ HUUF & All-Ages Song Circle time!
May 9 – Mother’s Day!
May 19 – Our second-to-last, virtual Parent Support meetup – On the Porch – using the materials from Soulful Home.  Open to ALL.
May 23 – Mindful Movement Sunday with Kids’ Yoga Teacher & Guest, Jessalyn DeLucchi
May 30 – Service Sunday – with guest from a local organization with info on how we can be of service in our local community – TBA

Willow Branches!

Thank you to all whom have so graciously offered to harvest willow branches for our upcoming Willow Tunnel project as part of the Playscape here at HUUF.
Just a reminder: branches should be about thumb-width around in order to be flexible enough to work with (bend) into our living archway.
If you’d like more info, or would like to volunteer to gather & preserve branches, please contact Amy @ comm@huuf.org

HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection & Conversation

Earth Day Event POSTPONED!!

It seems that Mother Nature had her own designs for this coming Saturday. With rain in the forecast, we are moving the date of our intended Earth Day-themed celebration. We still plan to gather: outdoors, masked & socially distanced for…
*hula hooping
*plus members of both the Climate Action Campaign, Nature-based Playscape Committee & Cooperation Humboldt’s Food Team on hand to share a bit about the important work they do for our planet and our community.

However, the new date is now set for: Saturday, May 8th, 10-12.  Please, join us then!

Mark your calendars for this upcoming offering from Fellowship FriendHeather O’Connell ~

Nature Speaks

  • Saturday, May 15th 2:30pm – 4:30pm
  • Humboldt Universalist Unitarian Fellowship grounds – Bayside, CA
  • Suggested Donation $25
  • Space is Limited – RSVP Required

When we take time to pause from our ordinary life, quiet ourselves and allow our curious hearts to be our eyes and ears, we may find ourselves in a new and mysterious territory. Where the Plants, Animals, Trees, and, Elements become our stewards and guides. In this state, we learn directly from the source how to deepen our connection and work in conscious partnership with Nature’s many treasures towards common goals.

In this engaging and highly experiential circle participants can expect to experience a series of drum and/or rattle journeys to establish a direct connection with and receive guidance and healing directly from the Land, Trees, Plants, Animals, and Elements themselves for connection and enhanced well-being.

RSVP to heather@hearthoftheheart.org or text your name and email address to (707) 397-0018. Details including what to bring with you & how to submit a donation will be sent via email a few days before we gather.

CLICK HERE to access ALL Engagement Links & Descriptions -ongoing & new


Wishes all a Happy Earth Day!

Come visit their table at
the HUUF Earth Day Celebration
on May 8 from 10-12


Our Beloved Minister Emeritus, Rev. Bryan Jessup is in the hospital with pancreatitis. Please send cards with loving thoughts to:
Bryan Jessup, 9070 DeJong Rd., Amity, OR 97101 

Pastoral Care Team Office hours:
For those in need, our dedicated team of Pastoral Care Volunteers are available to provide guidance and deep listening. With Covid restrictions lessoning, Shawn Nichols has begun to hold open office hours at HUUF once again from 12-3 on Mondays. Other members of the team are available by appointment. Contact them directly; Suzanne KimmelTom LewisTodd Hoberecht or inquire through the office   

~ Virtual Green Sheet ~

  • HUUF is rekeying the doors THIS SATURDAY: In an effort to maintain a secure space for all, HUUF will be rekeying the building on Saturday, April 24. If you are a committee chair or in a leadership position that requires access to the building at times when staff is not present, please contact Board co-pres., David Marshak 707-630-3894 or Bridgette in the HUUF office to arrange for a key exchange. David will be at HUUF on Monday April 26th for a drop in key exchange from 12-3.
  • If you missed the Ann Lindsay presentation on 3/21: You’ll be able to join the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Humboldt annual meeting on April 24, beginning at 1:30 pm. Ann will be the Keynote speaker presenting Life Care Humboldt current plans and status. Find the meeting Zoom link at fcahumboldt.org
  • Administrator’s Vacation: aka: Bridgette’s recharging time! – I’ll be taking some downtime next week. I will be out of the office starting 4/26 and will return to my post on 5/3. Please contact David Marshak with anything urgent at 707-630-3894. See you in May!
  • COMING UP – Join Us: May 2nd 11:00 AM  for next Sunday’s Service: The Queen of Months: HUUF’s community Minister, Rev. Jamal Tharpe has put together an amazing service to share with us all.   Click HERE for the full service description. *Zoom links for Sunday Services are now being posted on our website
  • Save Paper- Submit your 2021/2021 fiscal pledge online!: It’s Easy.. just click HERE . Once you complete the form, click the submit button and the your pledge promise will be received, recorded and tracked by the office.
  • Enjoy Spring While Beautifying Our Grounds: The Grounds Committee invites you to take in the beauty of spring while we water, mulch the beds, and dig up pesky weeds on Saturday, May 1, 10 am to 1 pm. Please remember to bring your masks, but we have extras if you need them. Rain cancels, and the following Saturday, May 8, is our back up. ~ thanks from your grounds committee
  • A Reminder: The HUUF Monthly Newsletter can be accessed on our website under the “News and Events” tab – The May Newsletter will be posted SOON!
CLICK HERE to Submit Green Sheet Items
All Fellowship Summer Retreat
Save the weekend of July 30-Aug 1, 2021.
We have tentatively reserved Mattole Camp and Retreat center for our annual Fellowship retreat which we missed last year due to Covid. Look for the full article in the May Newsletter to get more details about this upcoming event.
Our first planning meeting will be on Zoom, following the service on May 16th.  All are welcome to join the meeting with your ideas, questions, concerns, etc.  Use the link for the Sunday Service.


HUUF Game, Puzzle, and Book Exchange to End Mid-May
The idea for having a book & puzzle exchange in front of the Fellowship  was hatched a year ago in a ‘Nurturing in Place’ Zoom group discussion about wanting reading material at a time when the pandemic had closed bookstores and libraries.
Bookstores and libraries are now open, and so we will end donations by April 30, and the exchange tables will be taken down in mid-May. A maximum of 3 books/games/ puzzles may be brought. We would love to see the tables emptied of books and puzzles by mid-May, so please stop by before they are gone!



Earth Sunday Worship Livestream – Sunday, April 25 at 3:30 PT / 6:30 ET – MORE INFO

  • Earth Sunday Worship Resources – SIGN UP
  • Earth Day Offerings & Recommended Events – MORE INFO
  • Project Drawdown UU EcoChallenge – SIGN UP
  • Biodiversity Sunday & Endangered Species Art Project – SIGN UP