Sunday Services

Sunday Services

Sunday, April 29 – 9 and 11 a.m. – An Interweaving of Traditions –Rabbi Naomi Steinberg

Rabbi Naomi will share her experience as a long-time practitioner of Siddha Yoga, a path of meditation and devotion. The program includes some of the Rabbi’s original mystical tales, Hebrew chants, and brief meditation practice. This service is in memory of Swami Girijananda.

Sunday, May 6 – 9 and 11a.m. – Music Sunday – HUUF Choir

Elisabeth Harrington, the Choir and several musicians and vocalists from the congregation will be featured in this service that will feed our spirits with song.

Sunday, May 13 – 9 and 11 a.m. – Women Against War – Rev. Bryan Jessup and Veronica Galiani

In this service we will remember Julia Ward Howe and her famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” of 1872. In that proclamation she used her public fame as an author to bring to everyone’s attention, humanity’s addiction to war and the necessity for mothers, and all other people, to overcome that addiction.

Sunday, May 20 – 9 and 11 a.m. – Being Decidedly Uncertain – Jan Ögren

How do we balance knowing who we are with being open to change? How can we hold passionately onto our beliefs and values and be accepting of other views? While many religions try to offer answers, Unitarian Universalism encourages a personal search for truth and meaning – a continual opening to the unknown. This morning we’ll explore some tools for navigating life’s uncertain journey.

Jan Ögren is a licensed psychotherapist, international author and storyteller. A lifelong UU, she has spoken at many UU congregations and several of her sermons have won awards from the Pacific Central District. Her novel, “Dividing Worlds,” features a UU protagonist, and her recent book, “Dragon Magic: Amazing Fables for All Ages,” features stories shared with UU congregations.

NOTE: Beginning May 27 there will be only one service at 10:00 a.m. until September.

Sunday, May 27 – 10 a.m. – Memorial Day, People and Events Worth Remembering – Rev. Bryan Jessup

What is it that makes people and events worth remembering on Memorial Day? Is it just good deeds and kindness, or do we also learn from monumental mistakes and tragic miscalculation? Might past errors teach us something about repentance and forgiveness? Might recovery from errors teach us something about hope?