Sunday Services

Sunday, June 6 – 11 a.m. – Exploring the Purpose of HUUF – Bonnie MacGregor

What do the words “to nurture … to embody … and to empower …” really mean? In what ways has this purpose been a transformative agent? How is this a spiritual practice? Long-time HUUF member Bonnie MacGregor will discuss how this stated purpose can ground us on our spiritual path and align us with who we long to be in community.

Individual members will also share their personal reflections on ways in which this Fellowship has enabled them to grow as individuals and as members of the larger society. This growth may express itself in a multitude of ways including self-confidence, spiritual depth, interpersonal awareness, and effective social action.

Sunday, June 13 – 11 a.m. – Bridging the Transitions of Our Youth – Scarlett Trippsmith and Amy Day

Join us as we empower our youth, who are transcending into new chapters of their lives. Let this service remind them of where they come from and who is their council, as they journey on new paths. Let’s honor and celebrate them as the gems they are, as we acknowledge that they are no longer playing the role of youth, but are now finding their new roles in this interdependent web of life.

Sunday, June 20 – 11 a.m. – What Fatherhood means to you – Debi Cooper and HUUF Dads

Fathers of our HUUF community will share what fatherhood means to them. We will also split into breakout rooms so Fellowship members get a chance to share stories of their fathers as well.

Sunday, June 27 – 11 a.m. – Circle Round for Justice-Healing-Courage – General Assembly

Join the largest annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists in a powerful communal worship service, which will be part of General Assembly 2021. Time to circle round in community, in care and healing, for liberation and justice and for love and courage. This part of the national conference will be streamed through the Fellowship and will include our virtual coffee hour afterward.