Sunday Services

Sunday Services

Summer Theme: Exploring UU Sources of Inspiration to Heal the Heart of the World

Instead of a common set of beliefs, we Unitarian Universalists have a common set of values known as the UU Principles. These challenge us to figure out for ourselves what beliefs we have as individuals. Religious beliefs of Unitarian Universalists vary greatly. Deciding for oneself and accepting that fellow congregants may not share our beliefs, can be liberating, but it’s hard work. We have no one book that has life’s answers. However, our UU living tradition does point us to valuable sources. This summer we will explore these sources in more detail, each service focusing on one or more of them. Join us for this journey of exploration.

NOTE: Unitarian Universalist Principles and Sources are listed on our website, in your Fellowship members’ directory, and will be available at the services this summer.


July 1 — 10 a.m. — Renewing the Spirit: Direct Experience of Transcending Mystery — Berti Welty

We will take an overview of the UU sources of wisdom and spirituality and begin to explore the myriad ways we are motivated and guided by our unique life experiences. This will include a brief marveling — a wondering — or maybe just a quiet acceptance of life’s mysteries without having to define them. Have you ever had a sudden deep knowing that “this is true for me”? In what way has nature, music, art … inspired you? Come listen to and/or share personal transformative stories.

Berti Welty, a HUUF member and explorer of the mysteries of life through art, nature, and convening groups of interesting people, will lead the service.

July 8 — 10 a.m. — Stories of Hope, Courage, Resilience and Resistance

A number of Fellowship members were excited to attend the Western Regional Conference in Portland, Oregon in May. They will share their enthusiasm and the highlights with the congregation through their experiences of “the words and deeds of prophetic people” in our wider UU region and how they have inspired them to keep on becoming bearers of love and justice.

July 15 — 10 a.m. — Spirit through Body — Margy Emerson

There are many ways to access the spirit through physical activities and practices. Margy Emerson will talk about her experience with Tai Chi as moving meditation and as a way to heal and empower by enhancing the innate connection of body, mind, spirit and emotion. She will demonstrate the Chen style, the most outwardly expressive form of Tai Chi.
Margy has practiced Tai Chi for 40 years and taught it for 30. She is a writer and painter as well as the leader of Thursday Night Reflections at HUUF.

July 22 — 10 a.m. — Poems from the Source — Therese Fitzmaurice and Pat McCutcheon

Therese Fitzmaurice and Pat McCutcheon will offer poems written by themselves and others which reflect the UU source that acknowledges the direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder filtered through the process of creativity. Therese and Pat are published poets, teachers and active members of HUUF.

July 29 — 10 a.m. — The Veneration of Nature and the Sacred Circle of Life — Dave Troxel

Summon your inner Pagan and join the Fellowship for an exploration of the Sixth Source of UU faith, the “spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions.” What are these traditions, and how do they relate to us as Unitarian Universalists? And what the heck is CUUPS? We’ll tour the Wheel of the Year and celebrate the enduring significance of the ancestral veneration of Nature and “the sacred circle of life.”

Dave Troxel is a priest in the First Degree in the West Coast Eclectic tradition of Wicca. He is a longtime teacher of Wiccan and neo-Pagan ritual and magic, founder of the Circle of the Rising Star teaching coven in Durango, Colo., and a former May King for the Southwest Earth Festival Association.


August 5 — 10 a.m. — The Power to Stand Up to Power — Chip Sharpe

Why do we need to keep remembering the anniversary of the U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945? What can we learn from those who have stood up to the use of nuclear force on other people? Some of the strongest activists and tellers of truth about nuclear weapons and their dangers have come from this community. Come experience this source of wisdom as we hear, share and create “prophetic words that challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love.”

Chip Sharpe, a longtime peace activist, the founder of Humboldt Mediation Services promoting peaceful strategies for resolving conflict, and a HUUF member, will lead the discussion.

August 12 — 10 a.m. — Mind & Heart — Speakers to be announced

Humanist teachings consider human rather than divine or supernatural matters to be of prime importance. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek rational ways of solving human problems.This Sunday we will reflect upon Humanist teachings and consider how mindfulness practices can support our journey to find the best in ourselves and others.

August 19 — 10 a.m. — Open to Love — Bonnie MacGregor

Every wisdom teacher speaks to their students in the language and context of their lives. They use metaphors and stories to point to what cannot, by nature, be described. Jesus of Nazareth spoke Aramaic to the people of Judea. He lived his life as an embodied teaching. Much of his message has been lost in the translations and distorted practices over time. Many of us have closed ourselves to this source of wisdom because of these distortions. Yet UUs encourage us to look to his teachings as a way to “respond to God’s (Source’s) love by loving our neighbor as ourselves.” In these times we might benefit from opening ourselves to such guidance.

Bonnie MacGregor is a UU who was raised in a practicing Christian family. She is a meditation practitioner and a student of Hindu and Buddhist mysticism. She studied Christian theology in Scotland as well as the works of spiritual feminists on the Divine Feminine. She will explores and integrate these teachings throughout the service.

August 26 — 10 a.m. — Books that Heal the Heart — Valerie Gizinski

Whether it is the content or the opportunity to immerse ourselves in someone else’s imagination, books help us heal; they can offer solace and inspire hope. In this interactive service, come and share with us how a book made a difference in your life and why it may speak to us, too.
Valerie Gizinski is a longtime Fellowship member and an avid reader.