The Weekly – October14, 2022


“Out of the flames of doubt
We rise to embrace the mystery, wonder, and awe
Of all there is and that is yet to be” 
 ~  excerpt from a chalice lighting by Sara Eileen LaWall 


  • From the HUUF BoT
  • Lifespan Religious Exploration
  • Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements
  • Fellowship Happenings
  • Ministerial Relations Committee Report
  • Staff Office Hours

From the HUUF BoT

All Congregation Meeting
This Sunday, October 16, 2022
Plan to attend this important Congregational Meeting

Join the HUUF Board of Trustees and Finance Team for discussion on the following :
Meeting Agenda
  1.  Welcome – Debi Cooper  
  2.  Nominating Committee – Sylvia Shaw  
  3.  Budget approval request – Berti Welty  
  4.  MRC Proposal approval request – Bonnie MacGregor 
  5.  Any other business 
Please take time to review the following supportive documents:  
2022/2023 Budget Narrative: (click the link to view)
Newly Elected HUUF Board Members Chris Chapin
Ann Kilby

Lifespan Religious Exploration

Halloween at HUUF
Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements 

 Outreach Possibilities 

Sunday, October 16th
11:00am  at HUUF

with Worship Leaders:
Berti Welty & Marla West
with Guest minister,  Pastor April Sousa

Guest minister – Pastor April Sousa of the United Methodist Church of the Joyful Healer in Mckinleyville will speak on “Serving Like Jesus”.  The Humboldt UU Fellowship is delighted to have her as part of the ‘Deep Dive’ series in which we reach out to religious leaders in our community who are deeply knowledgeable and deeply involved in their own spiritual tradition to share their wisdom with our Congregation.  Pastor April will be sharing about their church, its core beliefs, outreach ministries and, more specifically, its Saturday Gatherings for the unhoused.

Join us in person 
OR… Join us on 

**Please plan to stay for the All Congregation Meeting following Service


✨ Yoga Continues! ✨
This wonderful offering will continue  through December 19! 

Mondays, 5:30-6:45 pm
At the Fellowship 

with JamiMichelle Kessloff

     Toning Our Temple Yoga  
Yoga can connect us with our physical and internal energy centers, allowing breath to get in to nourish and inspire us on all levels.  Coming to a class is a great way to practice Autumn turning inward while in community gathering. A blessed opportunity most all needs practice with, being with others while staying connected to our deep, calm self. Especially since coming out of Covid isolation times. Laughter usually  happens here too!
This is a  gentle & accessible yoga practice for ALL Bodies!  
All levels and stiffness Welcome. 
Classes are lovingly sponsored by HUUF Fellowship Engagement program.
Suggested Donation of $10 per class welcome and gratefully accepted
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
*(no class on Monday 10/31)

Open Soul Matters Group on Zoom
Tuesday, 10/18 at 7pm
All Are welcome to drop in to this month’s sharing circle facilitated by Amy Day
The theme for discussion in October is – Courage

Come enjoy this unique Teaching and Sharing Presentation
Friday , October 21 at HUUF This FREE Event begins at 3:30 with a Welcome Reception, Lecture begins at 4:30




Click HERE to access all Fellowship Engagement listings


Fellowship Happenings

  • Grounds Work Day: Saturday October 22 at 10am Join the fun as Valerie and this month’s “captain” Lynne Abels, head up the renovation of the far end of the RE garden. We’ll remove the plants and irrigation tubing, loosen up the soil, add planting mix, carefully place a very large boulder replant the plants and add more, then cap with sand. We may not be able to put the sand on that day, but it will follow shortly. Be a part of this exciting transformation! Your help is appreciated.
  • Beware the hackers! It’s happened again – Once more those savvy scammers have created an enticing email  phishing for their next victim! This one claims to be from “Reverend Emeritus Bryan Jessup (” the email appears that Bryan is asking for help with purchasing gift cards. Anyone who knows Bryan, knows he would never refer to himself in that way and would likely never ask for that kind of help! … But these emails are designed to fool you so please beware – Do not open it- Do not reply if you happen to receive a request that looks out of the norm. ** Any official email from HUUF will have an email address ending in
Ministerial Relations Committee Report &
Supplementary Articles

Ministerial Relations Committee Recommendations and Support

The Ministerial Relations Committee (MRC) submitted the following proposal to the HUUF Board of Trustees in July 2022.  Below we present our ideas for how to move forward without a minister and support H


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