Youth & Family
Unitarian Universalism affirms all families, of origin and of choice. Parents and caregivers find support to embrace their role as children’s primary religious educators—to open authentic conversations with children about difficult topics—to grow in faith together through religious practices, truth-seeking, justice work, service projects, and more.
We currently have an average Sunday attendance ranging from 6-12 participants. Some families come every week while others choose to come seasonally or based on particular offerings. New youth and families are welcome to participate every week.
Check out our Family Events page for more ways to get involved!
Religious Exploration Cooperative
Our Youth and Family program is supported by paid staff. Teens and tweens meet with Bellamy Devine. Jessalyn DeLucchi, Deborah Kallish, and Tiffany Hess minister to the younger children.
Our Mission: The Religious Exploration Cooperative will offer an annual program that provides children and families love, support, community and experiences through which to explore and develop their own spiritual identity.
Our Objectives: Our Religious Exploration Cooperative will welcome and love all children and families. We will support children and families in developmentally appropriate ways as they:
Embody love and truth through a healthy and sustainable love of self, family, and the interconnected web of life by creating opportunities to:
- Interact with people who model UU principles through a committed spiritual practice or path;
- Explore and participate in meaningful spiritual ritual and practices;
- Develop an awareness of one’s authentic self; and
- Clarify and develop a personal spiritual identity.
Develop an open, supportive religious community by creating opportunities to:
- Weave meaningful relationships between children, families, and members of the local and national UU association;
- Learn about UU principles, history and identity;
- Develop knowledge of world religions with respect for all peoples; and
- Learn how to treat people the way they would like to be treated.
Create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world by creating opportunities to:
- Understand peace, justice and sustainability, and learn the history of work towards those ends;
- Interact with people who model how to work for peace and justice;
- Experience service to others and promote a passion for social justice; and
- Create opportunities to be present with nature and its mysteries.
Sunday Youth Program
Youth are invited to begin the service with the adults in the Sanctuary*. The service includes a Story for All Ages, after which youth transition into their classrooms as the congregation sings, Go Now in Peace… May the spirit of love surround you, everywhere, everywhere, you may go.
Exploration 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays:
- Meet by age level with our teaching staff.
Service 4th Sunday:
- All ages meet in the CARE building to work on a community service project.
Friendship 5th Sunday:
- All ages meet in the CARE building together to enjoy a day focused on building new friendships and deepening old ones.
Nursery Room:
- Open every Sunday for infants and toddlers
- Caregivers are welcome to stay with their young ones and listen to the service with our wireless headphones.
*Our youngest friends are welcome to begin the service in the Sanctuary with the older youth, but if it feels easier for caregivers, you are welcome to drop off infants and toddlers directly to the Nursery before the service begins.