Love Is a Verb: Pledging to Help Resist Attacks on the Vulnerable, with guest speaker Brenda Perez

Brenda Perez of Centro del Pueblo will speak to us about how we can offer solidarity with undocumented local residents, now that our incoming government plans wholesale attack on undocumented people nationwide. Centro del Pueblo is leading locally in supporting these vulnerable folks. We hope to continue presenting services in future offering still more ways … Continue reading Love Is a Verb: Pledging to Help Resist Attacks on the Vulnerable, with guest speaker Brenda Perez

Good Ancestors, Part I 

Join us for this panel conversation with some of our beloved elders.  We’ll sit down with some of our long-term members, who’ve served in various capacities within the congregation through the years.  Together, we’ll explore what values called them to serve, what insights they unearthed inside these experiences, and gather what wisdom they have to … Continue reading Good Ancestors, Part I