Procedure for Becoming a Member

  • We suggest that you visit us at least a few times before thinking about making a membership commitment. When you are ready, we will be glad to welcome you into the Fellowship.
  • Please speak to a member of the Membership Committee or a Greeter about joining. You can email the committee at
  • We can provide orientation opportunities for you to learn about our denomination and about your commitment to our Fellowship.
  • The pamphlet How to Become a Member of the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship may be helpful.
  • The formal act of joining involves signing the Membership Book with a member of the Board of Trustees as a witness. The commitment statement reads, “I have read and accept the Statement of Principles and Purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Covenant of the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.”
  • By signing the Membership Book, you offer to share your gifts, your talents, and your time with the Fellowship. You and the other members of the Fellowship will nurture and support each other’s religious growth and work together to create an environment that is curious and caring.
  • You will be asked to pledge regular financial support and/or volunteer skills within the limits of your ability and in line with your personal choice, taking into consideration the financial Fair Share obligation of the Fellowship for each member to The Unitarian Universalist Association and the Pacific Coast District. On-line Pledge Form.
  • We will ask to take your photograph for our members-only directory.
  • With your permission, you will be introduced to the congregation during a Sunday service.  You will also be invited to participate in an annual group Ingathering Ceremony to formally welcome you into the Fellowship.