Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans 

Redwood Coast Chapter

founded October 28, 2018, 6:17 p.m. at Eureka, Humboldt County, California

Sun in Scorpio/Waning Moon in Cancer

hereby enters into this COVENANT with the

Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship


∞ The Founding Vision of Redwood Coast CUUPS shall be to encourage and support a shared religious community in which Mind and Spirit, Reason and Faith, Logic and Love may join in Solemn and Ecstatic Union; and further, that

∞ The Expressed Purpose of Redwood Coast CUUPS shall be to open and sustain a Gateway through which the Unitarian Universalist and Pagan & Earth Spirit communities may Meet in Common Faith, Teach and Learn from each other, and Grow Together.

To these ends, Redwood Coast CUUPS makes the following assurances of Spirit:

∞ As members and associates of Redwood Coast CUUPS, we will honor, respect, and uphold the traditions and values of Unitarian Universalism as expressed in its Seven Principles and informed by its Six Sources, and will as Unitarian Universalist Pagans strive always to represent the Craft of the Wise, in all its myriad and diverse traditions and ritual practices, with sensitivity, integrity, and compassion;

∞ We will seek always to raise awareness and understanding of the Pagan paths of Spirit by making clear our ways to the members and friends of our Home Congregation and to the wider community; and

∞ We will promote personal responsibility and integrity, diversity and compassion, competency and education in the pursuit of spiritual balance, and offer our talents and abilities in service to our fellow congregants at HUUF and the greater Humboldt community by providing celebrations to honor the Earth and its cycles. We seek both mirth and reverence, and we honor the Divine in all its many forms.

Accordingly, Redwood Coast CUUPS will look to its Home Congregation, the Humboldt UU Fellowship:

∞ To model and exemplify to Unitarian Universalist Pagans the Love and Service, Freedom of Thought, and Mutual Support in Fellowship expressed by the Spoken Aspiration of the Congregation;

∞ To welcome Pagan spirituality as one of the many diverse faith traditions represented amongst the members of the Fellowship, and to join with members of Redwood Coast CUUPS in the joyful and reverent interweaving of UU and Pagan liturgical materials and worship styles;

∞ To engage with Redwood Coast CUUPS in good faith and fellowship to share each others knowledge, perspectives, and stories, and to support the education of Unitarian Universalist Pagans in the Principals and Values of Unitarian Universalism; and

∞ To provide to Redwood Coast CUUPS a physical as well as a spiritual home, making available to them the facilities of the Home Congregation to meet and gather, and to afford such resources as may be deemed reasonable and appropriate in support of Unitarian Universalist Pagan events and activities.