Services 8-23
Sunday Services
Sunday, August 6, 11:00 a.m. – Tending the Flame: Youth, Worship, and the Way Forward – YRUUP and Amy Day
Come for this youth-centered and infused service as we are joined by leaders of the Young Religious Unitarian Universalists of the Pacific. YRUUP is a longstanding, youth-run organization dedicated to providing fun, safe, and spiritual programs for young people in the Pacific Western Region.
This service falls on the heels of the group’s summer conference, a weekend-long event geared toward community building, spiritual development, social action, and youth empowerment; this year it is being held on the grounds of our own Humboldt UU Fellowship. To honor and uplift the voices of emergent youth leadership, we will hear stories, inspirations, and share rituals and practices rooted in the liturgy and lived experience of our young UUs. The future, and our chalice, burn bright indeed.
Sunday, August 13, 11:00 a.m. – The Times They Are A-Changin’ — Rev. Bryan Jessup
In this service, HUUF minister emeritus, the Rev. Bryan Jessup will return to our pulpit for the first time since his retirement in 2019. He will share with us stories about how life has changed for him and his wife Edie since they moved to Oregon and will talk about living on the Earth in this time of tremendous change. Our environment is in danger. The war-like ways of our country and the big powers in the world have us in a very precarious place. The fabric of our relationships with one another as citizens of the United States is strained. Even the dynamics of our own religious association, the UUA, cause us stress as we come to terms with the limitations of our past ways of being.
How do we live with all this change? Whether we’re ready or not, we are called to answer that question with our very lives. And ready or not, we do answer.
Sunday, August 20, 11:00 a.m. – The Joy of Sharing Good Books ~ Bonnie MacGregor
One Sunday each summer, the Fellowship engages in the mutual joy of telling and hearing about books that are worth reading. In a congregation of free thinking and open-hearted people, this time is always mind-expanding, inspiring, and just plain fun. Bring a passage or summary of a current favorite book, a pen and paper for new prospects, and the curiosity that makes reading a joy. Readers of all ages are encouraged to participate.
Sunday, August 27, 11:00 a.m. – Emptying the Heart – Vida Hofweber and Amy Day
Join community member, therapist, hospice worker, and artist Vida Hofweber to collectively explore what it looks like to approach our grief. Drawing from a broad spectrum of tools and traditions – from Jungian psychology to Somatics, to poetry, to Earth-based spirituality – we shall explore the hearth of the wounded heart.
This service will be a first-taste introduction into the larger offering Vida will share with us in September, where, on the beautiful grounds of the Fellowship, we will host a site-specific art installation/guided grief ceremony honoring our collective grief surrounding reproductive rights, the plight of Iranian women, transgender lives/rights, gun violence, and ecological devastation. Check the HUUF website for more information.