~ A Call to Connection ~
- From the HUUF Board
- The Next BOT Meeting & Sunday Service Innovation Plan
- Religious Exploration Corner
- Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
- Caring Connection
- Climate Action Campaign
- Fellowship Happenings
- Staff Office Hours
Not content to merely accept the status quo we’ve inherited, we consider, as David Whyte writes, “the more beautiful questions” before us. And we let those lead us into answers and solutions, at times innovative and bold, that will carry us that one step further to “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”
Saturday’s ~ Join Amy Day for a Cuppa’!

Winter in our culture can often be a time of artificial speeding up. Racing to do the requisite shopping, decorating, baking, and all the various ways we feel compelled to do our merry-making, too.
Adopting this unnatural pace can leave us entering the New Year bedraggled and off center, disconnected from ourselves and our rich interior life.
Join me this Saturday (or the next) for a virtual celebration of the power of SLOWING DOWN. December 11th & December 18th @ 5-6:30 pm – Cuppa’ is a place where we will enjoy a brief, guided meditation, some gentle movement, and bask inside each other’s company, and begin to plant the seeds for the year to come.
Creating space for wisdom to unfurl as it pertains to our lives and the life of our Beloved Community.
Please register ahead of time by following this link:
Join Alison O’Dowd for the monthly drop in-IN PERSON
Multi-generation Sharing Circle
on the HUUF Campus
Saturday December 11, from 2-4 pm
*Child care available upon request, contact Amy Day, DLRE,
 Join Teen Coordinator Sabrina Miller, and DLRE Amy Day for an afternoon of bad stand-up, meditations on strawberries, a JOY challenge for the remainder of this holiday month, and some cookie making sprinkled in, to boot. Open to all ages 12+. 1-3pm in the Care Building. THIS SUNDAY!
HUUF Multi-platform Services
(in Person and on Zoom) Sign ups are online for in-person HUUF Sundays.
** If using the online sign up sheet does not work for you, simply contact the office via email or phone 707-822-3793 and I’ll reserve your seat for you!
We highly prefer you to be vaccinated to attend in person services, if eligible to be vaccinated.
In -person seating is capped at 40 people. Any overflow will be offered foyer seating.
Please, visit the links below to reserve a spot or plan to join us on Zoom
Finding Joy in the Midst of Suffering
with Bonnie Macgregor and Ann Kilby
(click below to reserve an in person seat)
Join Us! – (in person)
Sunday, December 12th at 11 am.
As we face the inevitable pains in our everyday lives — as we counteract harm and oppression in the world — as we work to save the web of life and people on our planet, how do we not despair? How can we find a joy that sustains our inner vigor and brings us a sense of happiness?
Drawing on a conversation between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu where they discussed these very questions, Worship Leaders Ann Kilby and Bonnie MacGregor will re-enact some of their exchanges as they shared their wisdom, humor, and spiritual practices.
Honoring the Dark
An All Ages Service with DLRE, Amy Day
(click below to reserve an in person seat)
Join Us! – (in person)
Sunday, December 19th at 11 am.

Join us as we journey to the shortest day, the longest night. Inside this All Ages Service, we will bear witness to the necessary beauty of this season, and its mercurial power. We’ll honor the holy-day of Winter Solstice and invite ways to celebrate and harness this time as we journey once more to the Light.
The Creativity group facilitated by Laura Phelan -Shahin will not meet on December 17 as previously scheduled. This Zoom Engagement will resume it’s regular schedule in the new year. Join Laura for the next Zoom gathering on January 21, 2022 at 7pm
Do YOU know of a good candidate?
HUUF is seeking a new Technical Coordinator to replace the irreplaceable Scarlett Trippsmith. Although we are taking the traditional route of placing “help wanted ads”, nothing beats a word of mouth recommendation! If you know of anyone who you think would be suitable for this part time position (6-10 hours weekly) please contact Board co-President Debi Cooper @
For a full job description click HERE |
Remembering our Beloved Marianne Pennekamp
Offering deep condolences to the Pennekamp Family as we remember and honor the incredible life of our beloved Marianne.
Thanks to the generosity of Amy Uyeki, HUUF’s Library now has a lending copy of the documentary, Marianne: One Immigrant’s Journey. This documentary will also be posted on our website (soon) for free online viewing.
The Time Standard has recently published an article honoring her life

CAC’s Monthly Meeting – JOIN US THIS SUNDAY
All are welcome to attend after Sunday Service via Zoom
December 12, at 1pm.
Use this LINK to join the meeting.
CAC’s highlighted “ACTION” for December asks us to focus on:
Reducing the use of PLASTICS!
In connection with our climate action for December, CAC recommends the following:
View “The Story of Plastic” which received a 2021 Emmy Award in the category of Best Writing: Documentary produced by The Story of Stuff group. “Reusable Packing Is the Latest Eco-Friendly Trend, But Does It Actually Make a Difference?” at

TIPS: How to Put Plastic Reduction into ACTION
- Reuse lidded plastic containers at the farmers market for cherries, and later for cherry tomatoes
- Reuse plastic and cereal bags for produce at the farmers market or grocery stores. When these bags are “beyond the pail” and not reusable for food, rinse and use them for lining interior compost containers.
- Reuse large plastic wrapping bags around bulk packages of tp rolls, paper towels and paper napkins for lining trash cans. The smaller bags around 6 packs of paper products can be used for lining smaller trash cans.
- Thanks to Sally Williams for the tip about the wooden plastic bag drying rack. They are on order now at both Co-ops. Eureka Natural Foods in Eureka has them in stock.
Let us know how you’re doing by emailing Margy Emerson at and she will report back in a later newsletter.
Fellowship Happenings

- COMING UP – Join Us: Sunday, December 19 at 11:00 AM for our next ALL AGES SERVICE: Honoring the Dark -presented by Amy Day, DLRE *(Multi-platform! Both in-person and on Zoom) *We are offering a max seating capacity of 40 people any overflow will be offered foyer seating , so sign up NOW on the website, OR join each other on Zoom. (Zoom links are accessible on our website or HERE)
- HUUF Grounds Committee Is Taking a December Break! As we head into the darkest (and sometimes coldest) days of the year, mother nature slows down, and luckily that includes the growth of those pesky weeds we contend with month after month. We’re going to take it slow, too, and enjoy the quiet of the season. Please join us on Saturday January 8, from 10 am to 1 pm, when we pick up our shovels, hoes etc. once again and head back outside to beautify our grounds. ~Happy Holidays, all! Your grounds Committee
- Coming up…On December 24th, Join Rev. Peter Farriday at 5:00 pm for the Christmas Eve Service, Unwrapping the Divine Presence (In-person and on Zoom) On December 26th Join Berti Welty for a ZOOM ONLY, Service Sunday Service in Your Jammies. There will be no In-Person Service that day.
- Staff Holiday Break: In observation of the winter holidays HUUF staff and office will take downtime from December 26th to the 31st – All Staff (Minister, Admin, DRLE and IT) will be unavailable during that time as we honor the dark – The Weekly will also be on hiatus during that time.
BUT Please join us for our Sunday Service on January 2nd (In-person and on Zoom) where we will ring in the New Year and the possibilities to come.
- Freebies Anyone? Cena Marino has a few wonderful items to offer: 1. FREE– Rainbow Vacuum. Water filter – great for allergies! Attachments included. 2. FREE– HP Color Printer – Uses cartridge ink. Includes 4 slat paper tray. Call Cena Marino @ 616-3906 if interested.
OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:30 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.
DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday
TECH – Scarlett Tripsmith, Tuesday and Friday, available by email
MINISTER – Peter Farriday, : Open hours on campus: 11am – 1pm on Tuesdays, and 2pm – 4pm on Thursdays. General availability: 11:30am – 6pm M-F when he doesn’t speak that coming Sunday; or M-Th on weeks he does.