The Weekly 2/11/2022

“We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all.”

― Amit Ray, Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Life Style


~ A Call to Connection ~


  • Sunday Service Announcement- NEW!
  • Religious Exploration Corner
  • Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
  • Climate Action Campaign
  • Caring Connection
  • Fellowship Happenings
  • Comments on the UUA Proposed 8Th Principle
  • From the UUA
  • Staff Office Hours

HUUF Sunday Services
Sunday Services will continue on Zoom only for the near future.
BUT, as state and county restrictions shift and the weather for meeting outdoors is agreeable, the COVID Safety Team is considering a recommendation to shift back to in person gatherings as early as mid March
Updates will be posted in the service announcement emails, in the Weekly and on the website
Until then, please plan to join us on Zoom


Come spread the LOVE!
THIS Saturday, Feb. 12 (1:00 – 2:30 pm)
 Our wonderful RE teachers – Debbi & Jessa – will be back at HUUF this coming Saturday from 1-2:30 – likely outdoors, given the weather – to make Love Cards and do some mindfulness and movement play with our kiddos.
We have space for a few more if any of you would like to join us!
This is a drop-off event.
No need to stick around unless you’d like to hop over to the other patio space to join us for our in person Soul Matters circle.
There’s a sign-up sheet if you’d like to add your child’s name to the list.
One of the things we’ll be looking at is “Widening the Circle” and making cards not just for family and friends but cards for elderly members of our congregation who could use a little extra love and care right now, and we’ll talk about how we can extend our care and awareness beyond our immediate circles, too.  So, learning and fun combined!

If you missed our last Teen Council Meetup and wanted to join in on the next round, you’re in luck!  We’ve rescheduled last week’s postponed meeting to this Sunday, Feb. 13 (a pleasant alternative to football, if that’s not your thing) from 1-3.  This week, we’ll be talking about Sacred Space.  About how we create it, tend it, and bring that felt sense of the sacred back out into the Everyday.
Snacks and crafts will be on hand!  Join us!





Gonna Lay Down My Sword and Shield 

Join Rev. Peter Farriday & Pat McCutcheon
Sunday, February 13th at 11 am.
connect to the Service on Zoom

The Universalist strand of our UU heritage affirms that divinity does not judge us but holds each soul in limitless love.
How can we also lay down the sword and shield of judgment, and offer this same compassion toward ourselves and others?

*NOTE:  there will be NO in-person gathering at the Fellowship this week

 Thinking Globally – Climate Action from the U.N. Perspective 

Join Bonnie MacGregor & Ann Kilby with guest speaker, Andrea Tuttle
Sunday, February 13th at 11 am.

 connect to the Service on Zoom

Because we must take the future of all the Earth into our hands now, we will benefit from a presentation by Andrea Tuttle. After a career in forest and climate policy, service as director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, and involvement in the early development of California’s climate program, she has participated as an observer in U.N. climate negotiations for the past 12 years, most recently in Glasgow, Scotland.

Tuttle will offer vital information on climate action from the perspective of the United Nations and as a complement to efforts at the local, state and federal levels as we hone our intentions and focus our energy into effective actions.

Ann Kilby and Bonnie MacGregor will facilitate the service, centering us in the recognition of our part in the family and commons that is the Earth. There will be question-and-answer time after the service.

Soul Matters Sharing Circles

This Month the Soul Matters curriculum explores the theme “Widening the Circle”.
Drop in to an Open Group for sharing and discussion:
2nd Saturday of each month – Saturday, February 12th from  2 – 4:00 pm
IN PERSON, at HUUF- bring your mask – (facilitated by Alison O’Dowd / Amy Day )
*childcare provided upon request.

Elders Council

Wednesday, February 16 at 6:30PM
All Are welcome to engage with this valuable Zoom Opportunity.
Meet the Elders of HUUF!  Tap into their experiences  with  HUUF History and Culture. Dive into their collective knowledge and gain a perspective of understanding that can only be given by these beloved weavers of wisdom!  
Join the Zoom Meeting HERE

Creativity ~ with Laura Phelan-Shahin MA, LMFT
Friday, February 18,  7-8:30 pm

On the third Friday of each month, 7-8:30 pm, via Zoom, Laura hosts an open (to all!) circle which can include a guided meditation or somatic check-in.  Through prompts, multiple mediums, and gentle guidance, participants are invited to explore process over product, and to use this playful and generative time as a way to access their own inner wisdom and guidance.

We invite adults and older-age children to come join us in this healing and connective space.  Join Us!


Room to Write

Join Amy Day, weekly on M/W/F at 11am on Zoom for a hosted co-writing space. This is a “Room to Write” for those who want to dedicate more time to the craft and practice of putting words on the page. We’ll do a (very brief) check-in, then mute ourselves and work for 75 minutes or so on our individual projects, then come back together at the end for a brief check-out. Please note: At present, this is NOT a critique group, simply a co-working space, so please don’t bring writing you want to have read aloud and receive feedback on. Do bring whatever tools (laptop or journal) you need to write.

This space will happen M/W/F from 11am – 12:30 pm via Zoom.



All are welcomed to join our monthly meeting on February 13, 1PM on Zoom

Embrace Your Inner Minimalist!
Reduce, Reuse, Repair, and Refuse 
Buy Nothing February

Refuse  participating in endless consumption and in damaging systems. Spring is approaching and many of us are beginning to start home gardens. A recent article on zero waste gardening can be found online at the TreeHugger link at

In connection with February’s Climate Action, we recommend the article, “Building Community by Buying Nothing”

The public has two weeks left to provide input on Nordic Aquafarms’ draft environmental impact report for its proposed onshore fish farm on the Samoa Peninsula. Local environmental groups feel that Nordic has not adequately addressed several issues in this draft EIR that pertain to the substantial amount of energy needed for operating the plant; the temperature of the effluent released from the plant that will be dumped directly into the ocean;

The public review period ends on Feb. 18. Comments can be submitted to the Humboldt County Planning and Building Department at 3015 H Street in Eureka or by email at CEQAResponses@

The DEIR can be found at Nordic-Aquafarms-Project.

A big CAC thank you to Steve Sottong, our HUUF newsletter editor, for publishing the contact information for our County, State, and Federal officials every month in the newsletter. 
To find out more about how to get into action by writing an official regarding a climate related cause – Attend the next CAC meeting or contact Sue Mossman  – Access the political advocacy contact list HERE


Join the Food Train Campaigns!

Peggy Ho Has been experiencing difficulties with extreme lower back and hip pain. Husband, Wally can only do so much he’s getting tired! Take out meals have been sustaining them both, but Peggy is trying to loose weight to ease the pressure on her back. A lovingly prepared healthy (low fat) meal would make all the difference! Can you help? (please read the special instructions area on the form.)

Aiko Uyeki is still recovering from her fall and subsequent surgery. Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of assistance needed during this time and both Ed and Aiko are requiring 24/7 care, which is up from 8 hours a day. Terry & Amy Uyeki with help from various caregivers are scrambling to meet the needs , BUT you can help! Your gift of a meal is a true act of love for Aiko and Ed and the rest of the Uyeki family. You can find out about their specific needs and sign up to help by accessing the Mealtrain sign up system:

Congratulations Megan Betts! ~Mama Megan has just welcomed Baby Girl Norma into the world!  Let’s help this single mother out with some homemade meals. Please sign up to bring her and her family a yummy meal by following this Mealtrain sign up link:

Fellowship Happenings

  Donations Gratefully Accepted: Please consider a contribution to either (or both!) of the campaigns described below ~ Many thanks.
  • We are continuing to “pass the collection plate” for Scarlett’s final send off. Our Beloved Scarlett has continued to grace us with her talents as HUUF keeps searching for a capable Tech replacement. She is leaving us soon and is looking to move to the East Bay. Moving is a big expense! Any gifts you are moved to give are appreciated. There is a collection jar in the HUUF office, you can stop in, you can send a check or donate on Venmo. (Donations can be made to HUUF with a notation in the memo line: “For Scarlett”)
  • We are also continuing our “Food for People” food drive Please bring any non perishable food donation items to the Fellowship during business hours M-W 9:30 – 4:30 or alternately, during a time that is pre arranged with the office. 

COMING UP – Join Us: Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 11:00 AM for our next Sunday Service: Gonna Lay Down My Sword and Shield-. on Zoom only – No in person gathering at HUUF Zoom links for all services are accessible on our website or HERE)

Furnace Replacement: One of HUUF’s three natural gas furnaces was replaced on February 5 with an energy efficient electric heat pump.  This project is a big step in our Climate Action Campaign’s effort to reduce the direct use of hydrocarbon fuels at the Fellowship.  The installation cost $12,240 and was funded by the Suzanne Moore Bequest. To learn more about the heat pump and how to operate the thermostat contact Scott Allen at To learn more about climate action you can contact Sue Mossman or another member of the CAC team.

Comments on The UUA 8th Principle

Proposed UUA 8th Principle

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

To read comments from fellow UU’s that offer critical of and/or opposed to the adoption of this principle, click here.

From the UUA

The 2022 Common Read offers opportunities to explore personal connections to criminalization and public safety in America. Defund Fear: Safety without Policing, Prisons, and Punishment by Zach Norris confronts issues that will raise core theological questions for UUs. Discussion guides, video materials, and more are coming in April.

Coming in Late March 2022, WorshipWeb will release
“Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny,” a full-length video worship service for congregations, featuring a sermon by UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray. This service centers on themes of interconnectedness, and covenant as our moral response to our interdependence. The video will be available for congregations and groups to use on demand.


Staff Office Hours

OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:30 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.

DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Wednesday

TECH – Scarlett Tripsmith,  available by email

MINISTER – Peter Farriday, : Open hours on campus: Tuesdays from 11am – 1pm  and  Wednesdays from 1:30 – 4:30.
General availability: 11:30am – 6pm M-F when he doesn’t speak that coming Sunday; or M-Th 11:30am – 6pm on weeks he does.