Ancient Forest Sangha Presents:
Day of Mindfulness Retreat: Living An Awakened Life
The Ancient Forest Sangha offers a day of mindful meditation, relaxation, and deep listening in the tradition of Plum Village on Saturday, June 18, from 9:30am-4pm. The retreat will be led by Dharma Teacher Alexa Singer-Telles. “To live an awakened life is to be present with each breath, aware of the simple blessing of being alive.” Bring a vegetarian lunch, water, a blanket or mat to lie on and a cushion for sitting if you prefer. Covid precautions: all must be fully vaccinated and masked, windows will be open, appropriate spacing, and attendance limited. Suggested donation is $30, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Register at
The Art of Letting Go
Join Rev Peter Farriday for his final Sunday Service
Sunday, June 19th at 11 am.
Renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell writes, “You have to strive every minute to get rid of the life you have planned in order to have the life that’s waiting for you,” while 13th- and 14th-century mystic and theologian Meister Eckhart said, “The soul grows by subtraction.” Using these as points of entry, we will explore the spiritual art of letting go.
*This service will be offered in person & on Zoom
Join us In Person (sign up prior)
Join us on ZOOM
Social Action Sunday
Sunday, June 26th at 11 am
Tending the Soil at Jardín Santario Community Garden
Join UUA General Assembly livestream on Zoom
For those able and willing to join us in person for this, our Social Action Sunday initiative, we will partner with Centro del Pueblo to offer our time and energies at its community garden space, Jardín Santario, on the corner 11th and F streets in Arcata.
Volunteers can expect to put their values into action by weeding, shoveling, unloading compost/wood chips, clearing areas, and harvesting in this important communal space. More details and a sign-up sheet will follow.
For those joining us via Zoom, we will team with other beloved UUs nationwide for a live stream of General Assembly’s Sunday morning worship. Featuring Rev. Gretchen Haley, Rev. Sean Neil-Barron and Shari Halliday-Quan as key speakers, this event is sure to inspire and empower. Zoom coffee hour will follow the stream.
Sign up to Tend the Soil in person at the community garden
Join us on Zoom for GA livestream
For this service there will be no in person gathering at HUUF
Save the Date! for our All-Ages Potluck of Fun, Family and Food
Sunday, July 3 @ 11 a.m.
Enjoying Fellowship: An All-Ages Potluck of Fun, Family, and Food
Montana Caouette, Maestro of Ceremonies (MC). This will be our Sunday service time – a time for love and laughter which we all have just too little of.
As of July 1 we all will be creating our Fellowship future together without our minister. So let’s start out with the kind of joyful experiences that make us happy to be together: simply sharing casual conversation, creative play, and delicious refreshments. Bring a comfortable chair or blanket for sitting outside. Practice a favorite story/song/skit to perform or host a fun craft/game you think we’d enjoy. We hear there will be croquet and that Sandy Lynn will be there with her ukulele for singing along, and of course the new Playscape welcomes children of all ages.
Bring your special yummy potluck food/beverages to share. As long as we are outside giving each other space in the food line and eating somewhat distanced we are assured this is COVID safe. If you are just not comfortable with that, bring your own bag lunch, whatever makes it good for you. We’ll all pitch in with chores (set-up and clean-up) as we are able.
The Caring Circle is offering rides so we can be together in person. Contact the office if you need a ride. There will be no Zoom broadcast or program.