April 2nd – April 9th, 2021

“The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about
unbecoming who you are not.” – Albert Schweitzer



~ A Call to Connection ~

Sunday Zoom Service, April 4th @ 11 am

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Join Rev. Tom Lewis to help us resurrect our commitment to Long-Term Racial Justice.

What is that missing piece to build solid, sustainable racial justice in America? Come Sunday to join the conversation & find out.

Link can be found here: https://zoom.us/j/97569434846?pwd=a0h2elZQbzNHWmhpc2VnQno2Y1h5QT09

Or by visiting our website: https://huuf.org


RE Corner:

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We welcome children of all ages to join us before the service – for our weekly RE Gathering – from 10:15-10:45 to share a youth-led chalice lighting, share our Joys & Sorrows ritual & learn about the Pagan origins of Easter (and the bunny, too!).  

You can access this with the same link for the 11 am service.  


We need volunteers Collecting Willow Branches for our Playscape!

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Preliminary planning and construction is beginning to take shape on our Nature-based Playscape project. For part of Phase I of this grand design, we are starting work on the Willow Tunnel. This is a time-sensitive aspect of the project, as willow is coming into bloom right now, and we need to harvest the branches while they are still supple and bendable, and before they have too many blossoms on them.  And we need your help!  For more info, or to sign up to collect willow branches, please go here


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Come by and check out the latest activity offerings and gifts from our beloved Judy Rishel, nestled in the pink RE box out front.  Find an Easter-themed craft, in addition to rainbows and scavenger hunts.  Enjoy!


Fellowship Engagement:

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Beginning Wednesday, April 7th @ 7pm, David Marshak will be leading an every other week, 3-session discussion group of the seminal book, How to Be an Antiracist.  …”An essential book for anyone who wants to go beyond an awareness of racism to the next step of contributing to the formation of a truly just and equitable society.”  Link can be found by going to the Fellowship Engagement page on our website, or by clicking below.

 Join Us!

HUUF for Black Lives Matter!

Every Saturday from 12:00-1:30 pm, on the corner of 4th & V in Eureka

We, the people of Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, wish to show our continued support and solidarity with the cause and community of Black Lives Matter. Toward that end, we are committing to having a weekly presence at the corners of 4th & V in Eureka every Saturday from 12:00-1:30 pm. Please join us in holding signs, and being a visible presence for this important and vital voice in our community and country.  You can volunteer to hold one end of our Black Lives Matter sign for an hour, with another HUUF member/friend or bring a sign of your own to amplify our presence and voice there.  Contact Chip Sharpe for more information: chipsharpe@sbcglobal.net 


Please join us for 4 more weeks of…

Yoga for Strength and Resilience with Laurie Birdsong

Thursdays, 9:30-10:45, March 4th – April 29th

A gentle Hatha practice for building  balance, flexibility and vitality.  Includes pranayama (breath practice) and meditation as tools for self care and compassion. All levels welcome, no experience necessary. Modifications provided.

This is a FREE online offering made possible by Adult RE.  Deeply therapeutic & open to ALL. Click on the link below to join. Join Us!


Volunteer Opportunities with Food for People!food for people.png

Julie Ryan, the Volunteer Coordinator at FFP is looking for help in the following ways this week: 

Monday April 5th – 1-2 volunteers invited to bag produce with the “Veggie Crew”  at 716 West Cedar Street in Eureka  from 10:00 to 1:00   – we make a few hundred 10 lb. bags of veggies for the Senior Program and Choice Pantry. Requires standing, walking, bagging, and lifting 10. Lb. bags into crates. 

Wednesday April 7th –  1-2 volunteers needed at Choice Pantry to help with walk up distribution and Covid-19 safe customer service. From either 10:30 to 12:30 or 1:00 to 3:00. 

Thursday April 8th – 1-2 volunteers invited to make bags of canned and dry goods for pantry network distribution. Program at 716 West Cedar Street in Eureka  from 10:00  to 1:00. .Requires standing, walking, bagging, and lifting bags that are 10-15 lbs. into crates.   

Friday  April 9th –  We are making bags of canned and dry goods for the Senior Program at 716 West Cedar Street in Eureka  from 9:00 to 1:00. Requires standing, walking, bagging, and lifting bags that are 10-15 lbs. into crates.  We are looking for 4-5 volunteers to join us.

Please RSVP to the shift(s) you are interested in to 

Julie at:  jryan@foodforpeople.org or ph: 707-445-3166 ext. 310