Climate Action Campaign (CAC)

Chair – Sue Y. Lee Mossman

We in the Climate Action Campaign seek to inform and educate ourselves and others of critical climate change issues that affect our local area and beyond. We look for actions that we, as individuals and as a congregation, can take to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.


        1. Challenge from CAC to You You 
        2. Climate Action Survey
        3. What Inspires our Congregation to Take Climate Action?
        4. Engaging with the Congregation
        5. CAC Project Timeline
        6. Interested in Joining CAC?


A Challenge from CAC to YOU YOU for Earth Month

Relative to climate actions, for Earth month in April, CAC challenges each member unit to add one new effort that you are not already doing to “reduce, reuse, recycle”.  It doesn’t have to be big. It could be, for example,  sending a greeting card unsigned so it can be recycled; reusing an envelope or making one from paper printed on one side; or cooking an entire meal in the same heated oven. Decide now on a new action that you can do to protect Earth for the month of April, and let us know on the survey what you are planning to do. We will tally responses and report back to you.

Climate Action Campaign Survey in 3 minutes

HUUF’s Climate Action Campaign is conducting a Survey of members and friends to learn what our Fellowship is doing individually or as a family/household to conserve resources and slow climate change caused by the use of fossil fuels. We would appreciate your help.

~~ Please respond by March 15, 2021 ~~

Quick Survey

All members who have not responded to the online survey by March 15 will receive it via USPS with return postage provided.  HUUF ~ P.O. Box 506, Bayside CA 95524
Thanks for being part of HUUF’s Climate Action Campaign!

What inspires your congregation to take climate action?

We of the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (HUUF) feel inspired to act because we love. Many of us have children or grandchildren — some, great-grands — and we need to work for their future. All of us love someone or other who may very well come to be at risk. We care about all peoples, and all living beings. We also know that all beings of Earth are deeply, and important to the welfare of all others. (Unitarian Universalist Principle #7 bids us to honor and cherish this reality.) 

Our Fellowship collectively maintains high awareness and a long tradition of actively addressing major issues of the time. Members combine the attitude that we CAN succeed in helping, with feeling a strong need for each to put ourselves and our abilities to fullest use to help solve the huge climate problem. HUUF members have worked for many years on aspects of conservation and eco-restoration. What we have added in recent years, increasing inspiration to act, is to correlate ecological, social, and political action, and to define a wide array of types of faith-based action choices for all members.

Engagement with the Fellowship 

Left: HUUF members planting trees as part of a focus on adding some fruit trees near the wing where the children can care for them as part of their religious education program.
Top right: HUUF’s CAC member demonstrating our “Drive 55” bumper sticker.
Lower right: Image from HUUF’s “Big Think and Challenge” climate action of 2019: Titled “Turtle of Hope”, made by children in a workshop in which they learned how to convert plastic snack-food bags into elements of artworks. Now on exhibit in the sanctuary.

1.We recognized the crisis, organized our focus group, and assessed that we in HUUF could potentially accomplish considerable improvement in the HUUF carbon footprint as well as in members’ own footprints. Members were eager to start with this aspect right away.

2. We developed activities and alliances so that we can offer folks of all ages and skill sets and interests the possibility to contribute to the effort to stop global warming in more than one way and on various occasions per month.

3. We keep offering information, and we keep asking folks for opinions and suggestions.

4.  We have maintained the approach that we hold various opinions about what might be the most realistic or most beneficial views to embrace about the planetary situation — we avoid any notions of converting each other or anyone else to specific views — but rather urge each other and others to make choices supported by good-quality evidence. This approach is of course essential in the Unitarian Universalist context, and it also helps in discussions with folks in the community who are not yet engaged as we are.

Big Accomplishments & Who Made It All Happen

View of HUUF campus from eastern end. Various ecological features visible on the grounds, such as native trees, shrubs and forbs, and overall diversity. In the distance, two demonstration circular raised food-plant beds; in middle distance, compost area is among the conifers; Wisconsin Mound septic system forms the large mound beyond the building. On the east end are the south facing roof top solar panels. Total area about 5 acres, located in rural area in ecologically sensitive bottomland near Jacoby Creek.


  • At our January CAC monthly meeting, CAC member, John Schaefer, demonstrated the group role playing interactive climate solutions simulator game developed at MIT called En-Roads.
  • A Fellowship survey was developed and released on our website, on February 19 to assess what kinds  and how much individuals and families are doing to reduce their carbon footprints and save our natural resources.
  • CAC members Cena Marino and Margy Emerson, leads.
  • Co-sponsored with 350 Humboldt and others a zoom presentation by Rabbi Naomi Steinberg in February entitled “Spirituality and Saving the Environment”. CAC member Pat Carr, lead and Sue Lee Mossman on publicity.
  • Exploring appropriate avenues of communication with our indigenous neighbors on issues of climate justice and learning how we can best partner with them to provide support; some of us attended the Feb 9 webinar “Tribal Cross-Cultural Etiquette – a North Coast Brown Bag Presentation”. Sue Lee Mossman, CAC lead for publicity.
  • Liore Milgrom-Gartner, Director of the Northern California Interfaith Power and Light joined us for our February CAC monthly meeting to inform us about the work of the CIPL. Sue Lee Mossman, lead liaison.
  • Entered our UN Sunday multigenerational, team presentation for the UUA Dana McLean Greeley Climate Justice Sermon award. CAC members, Sue Lee Mossman, CAC lead.
  • CAC member, Pat Carr, attended the California Energy Commission’s virtual meeting and made a verbal presentation urging them to move up the New Building Electrification Code to 2022. Fellowship members were asked to submit written comments. Sue Lee Mossman, lead for soliciting written comments.
  • HUUF obtaining estimates on cost to replace an aging gas furnace with a heat pump system.
  • Attendance on February at informational meeting for proposed Blue Lake solar farm. Fellowship members asked to submit written comments by February 26. Sue Lee Mossman, lead for soliciting written comments.
  • For April, Earth Month, we challenge the Fellowship congregation to do one new climate action and to notify us of the action on the above survey. Sue Lee Mossman, lead.


  • CAC made donations to support the work of two faith based national groups that are on the front lines of climate justice action: Interfaith Power and Light and the UU Ministry for Earth.Sue Lee Mossman, lead.
  • CAC approved to fund the registration fees for two teens (in the RE teen program), and their sponsor/chaperone so they could attend the UU- UNO Intergenerational Seminar in New York in April, 2020, and helped them find further financial resources to cover travel and other expenses. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Intergenerational Seminar was cancelled. Several CAC members registered and attended remotely on April 17-19, 2020. Sue Lee Mossman, lead.
  • After an exhaustive and comprehensive survey of HUUF members, a carpooling network (a Park ‘n Ride) for the Arcata area and north was about to be launched. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, this is on hold for the time being. CAC member, Cena Marino, lead.
  •  In January, 2020, a Sunday service entitled, “Yurok Wisdom for a Changing World” by Chris Peters from the local 7th Generation Fund was presented. CAC member, Ann Kilby, lead.
  • Some CAC members attended RCEA’s Battery Storage Basics Workshop in February.
  • The Revs. Anthony Johnson (now resigned) and Jamal Tharp readily agreed to sign and join with other clergy and other faith leaders around the country on a petition to the CEOs of General Motors, Toyota, and Fiat Chrysler, asking them to publicly support the current Clean Cars Standards – this, after these auto manufacturers sided with the Trump Administration in efforts to roll back these life-saving standards. Sue Lee Mossman, lead.
  • In March, 2020, CAC officially launched the “Drive 55 Stay Alive” campaign. Bumper stickers were ordered. CAC funded the cost of the bumper stickers, and distribution of the bumper stickers by HUUF and CAC members had begun at the end of February with help from representatives from 350/Humboldt and Grace Good Shepherd Church in McKinleyville. Bumper stickers are available for a suggested donation of $1 each. CAC members, Sue Lee Mossman and Margy Emerson, leads.
  • Two workshops presented: In May, a zoom presentation by the local rep from Edward Jones (Arcata office) on socially responsible investing for individuals; and a zoom presentation by CAC member, John Schaefer, in June on low cost battery power for blackouts. Sue Lee Mossman, CAC lead.
  • We co-sponsored three community presentations on zoom with 350 Humboldt: Connie Roser-Renouf, climate communications expert; Sarah Ray, author of “A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety”; and Ciara Emery, staff with CA Representative Jared Huffman, on stakeholder perceptions of offshore wind energy for the California north coast. CAC member, Pat Carr, was the main lead with help from Sue Lee Mossman on publicity.
  •  In October, CAC presented the service for UN Sunday highlighting the work of the UU@UN office and the UN. CAC members Sue Lee Mossman, lead, along with CAC member Ann Kilby, and Fellowship youths, Slate Taylor, Sydney Bronkall, and Savannah Tarlton.
  • Much effort was put in by Fellowship members on getting out the vote for the national and Georgia run-off elections (letter writing, signing petitions, phoning etc.)
  • In December, CAC nominated the HUUF for the Interfaith Power and Light’s Cool Congregation Award. Sue Lee Mossman, lead.
  • Several HUUF members have joined OptConnect, a program in which members are incentivized to power down energy use during certain “peaker” hours when coal fired energy plants would be turned on. Sue Lee Mossman, CAC lead.


  • With our Program and Worship committee, CAC organized and presented a Sunday climate worship service in March 2019 featuring climate communication expert, Connie Roser-Renouf (George Mason University and Yale University’s Center for Climate Change Communication). This was followed by a “Climate Fair” with exhibits from ally organizations. Sue Lee Mossman, CAC lead.
  • We worked with RE staff and committee chairs to engage everyone in an all-congregational, intergenerational
    “Big Think and Challenge”, asking members to challenge themselves to live a low-carbon lifestyle, and create climate-themed art. Over 50 multigenerational members participated in submitting visual and written art which was presented at a Sunday Service in May, 2019 and was on exhibit for another two months. HUUF member, Bridgette Garutti, was the lead who worked with the children to create “The Turtle of Hope” art, made from heated plastic food bags). Pat Carr and Sue Lee Mossman were the leads from CAC.
  • We engaged the congregation in a low-carbon transportation incentive: bicyclists, walkers, and car poolers were qualified to enter a monthly raffle in the Summer, 2019. Pat Carr was the lead.
  •  The HUUF Board approved to “Opt Up” its electric account to the Redwood Coast Energy Authority’s (RCEA) 100% renewable option. Sue Lee Mossman, CAC lead.
  • Fellowship members joined the local youth-led Global Climate Strike in September to demand action from our political bodies on issues affecting climate change.
  • We attended meetings and provided input to RCEA’s updating of the Comprehensive Action Plan for Energy for this county.
  • We attended Arcata City Council meetings to provide input on Arcata’s Declaration of Climate Emergency and Climate Action Plan and attending meetings and writing letters to advocate the banning of natural gas use in new construction. CAC members, Joanne McGarry and Pat Carr, leads.
  • A survey was undertaken of HUUF members’ interest, availability, and willingness to participate in carpooling for Fellowship events. CAC member, Cena Marino, lead.
  • Fellowship members attended community meetings re Terra Gen’s proposed wind energy project.
  • We met with Building and Grounds Chair, Scott Allen, for a summary of the installation of energy saving projects. CAC members, Pat Carr and John Schaefer.
  • Completed project begun in 2017 to replace 156 fluorescent lamps with LEDs in all the buildings on the HUUF campus. Fellowship members, Chip Sharpe (lead) and Scott Allen.
  • A monthly legislative table with postage paid stationery and suggested critical climate issues   was available to HUUF members for writing to lawmakers and policy makers. Various CAC members.


  1. After HUUF member, Archie Mossman, entreated congregation at a Sunday service presentation to join him to do what we can to work together to address climate issues, the Climate Action Campaign (CAC) was formed in July, 2018. Sue Lee Mossman, chair.
  2. Public screening of “From Pittsburgh to Paris” at our Fellowship. CAC member, Joanna Welch, was the lead.
  3. Co-sponsored with 350 Humboldt the public screening of ‘The Reluctant Radical”. Following both screenings was a discussion respectively with Michael Winkler, then Mayor of Arcata, on the future of energy innovation in Humboldt County; and remotely with Ken Ward, the “Reluctant Radical”. CAC member, Pat Carr, took the lead.


  • Started Project to change fluorescent lamps with LEDs in all the buildings on the HUUF campus. Fellowship members, Chip Sharpe (lead) and Scott Allen.


  • Upgrade of the solar array. HUUF member, Scott Allen, chair of Buildings and Grounds, was the lead.


    • Installation of solar array and EV charging station. HUUF member, Scott Allen, chair of Buildings and Grounds, was the lead.

Interested in Joining CAC?