Christmas Potluck

Date(s) - 12/25/2023
2:00 pm

Once again Jo and Berti will host a holiday dinner at the Fellowship. The Christmas potluck will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Christmas Day.

Why go to all the effort to cook multiple dishes after a busy Christmas morning? Prepare a dish to share and come dine at the Fellowship. Jo and Berti will provide roast lamb as a main course and crab cakes as an appetizer. Everyone else can bring dishes to fill out the meal. Assistance in set-up and clean-up will be needed.

Sign up for to let us know what your bringing and/or to help with set-up/clean-up.

This will show what others are bringing so you can avoid duplication and we’ll have a balanced meal. Earlier sign ups have a wider choice of options. Questions? Call or email Berti Welty, (707) 382-1472;

If you’re up for it, bring your ringing vocal cords. We hope to have some singing along with the fine dining.