RE Corner
Fellowship Engagment Opportunities
Climate Action Campaign
HUUF Welcome Project for Rev. Farriday
Virtual Green Sheet
Community Bulletin Board
~To the Beloved Community,This week’s reflection comes from Kimberlee Anne Tomczak Carlson , on the topic of emergence. As we all begin to emerge from our metaphoric COVID cocoons, I hope you find her words as inspiring as I did.
Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson (she/her/hers) is honored to serve the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee as the minister of religious education. Kimberlee lives in Kenosha, Wisconsin with her beloved partner Erik, kiddo, cats, kiln, and a whole lotta clay.
By Rev. Kimberlee Tomczak Carlson
June 30, 2021
“[T]ales of natural emergence [are] far more magical than traditional miracles. Emergence is inherent in everything that is alive, allowing our yearning for supernatural miracles to be subsumed by our joy in the countless miracles that surround us.”
—Ursula Goodenough, scientist and religious naturalist
The words “witness butterfly metamorphosis at home” leapt off the educational catalog into my imagination in April. We had begun homeschooling, and I impulsively decided we should get a butterfly garden. It was the end of a long winter; our house felt small as three of us occupied the space twenty-four hours a day.
My partner was not thrilled about adding caterpillars to our household: “You want to raise insects?” I replied that it would be educational, and there would be butterflies.
I wanted to watch something grow, become something new, and then be joyfully released. I needed a reminder of predictable life cycles. I was convinced my child needed this too. One of the great joys of having children in your life is witnessing them explore their intention of becoming. The world is wide open to them and everything is possible. As we get older, our unfolding is not always visible or recognized. Perhaps becoming is just more internal during adulthood.
Anyway, how hard could it be to raise butterflies?
Each night we would place the butterfly garden, angled just so in the window, to catch the morning light. It turned out that becoming a butterfly required sunlight. We did get to “witness metamorphosis at home.” Sometimes it was really gross: chrysalis can be gooey. Once it was almost tragic, as the cat’s fascination took flight and the chrysalis got knocked around. The experience was filled with unexpected drama and fear of failure—yet ultimately, magical and absolutely worth it. The daily shared experience of observing the transformation was salve for our nature-loving souls. Each chrysalis that hatched felt like a miracle.
Emergence, becoming, is inherent in each of us. Often, we forget how miraculous we are. The sheer improbability of our existence escapes us, and we need butterfly garden-shaped reminders. Thank goodness there are small miracles surrounding us. |
Playscape Project
seeks a Project Manager!
If you’ve been following the progress of our Nature-based Playscape project, you’ve seen some exciting new developments take place over the past few months. We’ve recently become the very grateful and blessed recipients of a sizable donation toward this project, and now have the ability to hire a professional to oversee this work!
If you know anyone – a landscape architect or designer with experience in this type of work – please let us know. We have a dedicated team of volunteers who are diligently working to see this come to fruition, and would love to have a skilled Team Leader to help coordinate and mobilize our efforts. If you have a name or contact to recommend, please drop Amy Day a note @ |
We are excited to announc e that the Young Religious Unitarian Universalists of the Pacific have selected HUUF as the next host of their upcoming In-Person regional Con, to be held August 13th-15th. YRUUP serves youth ages 14-20, and this will be their first in-person event in over a year. We are so happy to serve & connect to this youth-led community in this way!
If you’d like to know more, please visit their info & registration page, or shoot Amy a text @ 707-223-5792.
Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
(Zoom and In-Person!)
HUUF Hybrid Services
(in Person and on Zoom)
Sign ups are online for both our first & second in-person HUUF Sundays.
Please, visit the links below to reserve a spot at one of our upcoming, small-group gatherings.
Join Us!
Sunday, July 18
Join our discussion circle service on the Fellowship patio. Fellowship members Pat McCutcheon, David Marshak & Ann Kilby will lead a service centered on our gratitude. It will include being grateful to be able to meet again in person, our thankfulness of the science that has allowed this to happen, and for our appreciation of our building, grounds and the natural world in which we gather.
Join Us!
Sunday, July 25
Fellowship members Tom Lewis and Laura Phelan-Shahin will lead an in-person discussion on the patio. We will share our personal stories and experiences during the past year in an open sharing circle
Please join us on Saturday, July 17,
on the HUUF campus
from 10 AM- noon and/or noon- 2 PM.
Please bring cleaning supplies and tools: vacuums, small buckets, rags, window washing gear.
Scott Allen will lead the pressure washing of the buildings:
Our goals on July 17 will be to pressure wash the Sanctuary and CARE buildings and wash windows inside and out. If we have the time and personnel we will consider washing the solar array and spraying the moss on the roof. We will start at 10am.
Window washing teams will start on the inside, then follow power washers around outside.
Power washing teams will comprise:
Two people spraying the building and deck with cleaning detergent.
Two people on ladders taping vents, removing nests and poop decks, and doing a preliminary scrub of nest mud. WE WILL AVOID ACTIVE BIRD NESTS.
Two people with deck brushes scrubbing deck stains.
Two people using the pressure wands to wash the detergent and, hopefully, dirt and mildew off.
HUUF’s BLM banner holding campaign will not happen this Saturday but will resume next week, on 7/24, as usual on the corner of 4th & V in Eureka from 12-1:30 PM
CAC will hold its monthly meetings through the summer on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1 PM following the 11 AM Service.
Next Meeting will be Sunday, July 11 on ZOOM
Click HERE to access the meeting
Volunteer Opportunities: Intergenerational Spring Seminar
April 22-24, 2022 | New York City | Climate Justice & Displacement
Are you or is a fellow congregant passionate about climate action?
The UU@UN is accepting applications for youth (age 14-18) and adults to help plan our 2022 Seminar! The team will convene virtually starting in September to prepare for the April 2022 event expected to take place in NYC.
Youth Deans (application deadline extended!) serve as leaders of programming during the Seminar, working with the Planning Committee to create programs that are safe and inclusive for all. Youth Dean is a two-year position.
Youth and Adult Chaplains (apply by August 9) help create a caring environment rooted in UU faith through spiritual grounding opportunities and support for attendees.
Planning Committee Members (all ages: apply by August 9) craft the Seminar’s educational arc, plan worship and workshops, coordinate logistics, and more!
For information on assistance with registration, travel, and housing costs for youth and adults interested in attending the Intergenerational Spring Seminar on Climate Justice and Displacement in NYC in April, 2022, contact Sue Lee Mossman, Chair of Climate Action Campaign |
It’s not too late to participate!
Here’s a FUN way to help our new minister get to know you! Be a part of a Fellowship Community Video Diary. We are creating a montage of video clips to present to our new minister, Rev. Peter Farriday, when he arrives Please contact HUUF’s Tech wizard, Scarlett Trippsmith ASAP, to FIND OUT HOW – |
~ Virtual Green Sheet ~
- COMING UP – Join Us: July 25 at 11:00 AM for next Sunday’s Service: *(Hybrid! Both in-person and on Zoom) COVID-19 Pandemic: Personal Reflections. In- person discussion groups led by Rev. Tom Lewis and Laura Phelan-Shahin. To sign up for in-person HUUF Sundays, please, visit the link above to reserve your seat. Space is limited. *Zoom links for Sunday Services accessible on our website
- SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, August 1st: An afternoon concert at HUUF to benefit the future projects of HUUF. Take in the fresh air on the patio while listening to the delightful music of Karen Davy and the Arcata Bay String Quartet. This will be a “pay what you can- no one turned away” event. The concert time, suggested donation price and more event details to come! Bring your friends, this is a community event.
- HUUF Aesthetics and Art news: Plan to make a trip to the Fellowship before August to see Eve Anderson’s amazing photo collages. They have bravely hung in HUUF’s Sanctuary space all through the pandemic but they will be coming down to make room for the “All Fellowship Show”. **More information to come on when and how to submit your own works for the All Fellowship Show in mid August. Let your inner artist shine!
- Save Paper- Submit your 2021/2021 fiscal pledge online!: It’s Easy.. just click HERE . Once you complete the form, click the submit button and your pledge promise will be received, recorded and tracked by the office.
Home Grown – a non-profit
Helping homeless youth find temporary housing with community members
Everyone deserves a home! The Home Grown program rises to this challenge by using a Host Home model to help homeless youth in Humboldt County attain stable housing and break the cycle of homelessness. Community members volunteer to open their homes and “host” youths in need for 3-12 months, providing them with housing, stability, and mentorship.
Volunteers are needed!
Can YOU help by hosting a youth in need? Find out more HERE