- Reflection
- RE Corner
- HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection
- HUUF Congregational Meeting
- HUUF Welcome Project for Rev. Farriday
- Virtual Green Sheet
- Community Bulletin
~To the Beloved Community,I had planned to pen these words to you from my sunny window at my makeshift desk in the Care Building at HUUF. I had planned to show up, just enough coffee and optimism from a good night’s sleep the night before thrumming through my veins to tend to all the details of the day and make some substantial checks off my ongoing to-do list.
Life, it seems, had other plans.
And so I summon these words to you from a small cloud of fatigue and a dull pain in my head that will not go away (No worries. The doctor’s office will comprise my sole social obligation for this day, it seems.)
On days like today, when my rational, conditioned mind is prodding me to speed up, and my body rallies a mighty protest in response, I am reminded of the notion of liminal space.
This, from Richard Rohr:
“Liminal Space is a concept refined by Victor Turner in his classic study on initiation and ritual. The Latin word limen means “threshold.” Liminality is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where people can begin to think and act in genuinely new ways. It is when we are betwixt and between, have left one room but not yet entered the next room, any hiatus between stages of life, stages of faith, jobs, loves, or relationships. It is that graced time when we are not certain or in control, when something genuinely new can happen. We are empty, receptive, an erased tablet waiting for new words.”
He goes on:
“Nothing fresh or creative will normally happen when we are inside our self-constructed comfort zones, only more of the same. Nothing original emerges from business as usual….Much of the work of […] human destiny itself is to get people into liminal space and to keep them there long enough to learn something essential and genuinely new. It is the ultimate teachable space. In some sense, it is the only teachable space….Once-a-week church services do not normally come close to creating liminal space. It takes that long for you just to stop wondering whether you turned off the stove and begin to the get kids—or your errant emotions—under control. There has to be something longer, different, and daring, even nonsensical, to break our comfortable sleepwalk and our compulsive trance…
“The bubble of usual order has to be broken by a bit of whimsy, holy uselessness, deliberate disruption or displacement, learning to walk in the opposite direction. In liminal space we sometimes need to not-do and not-perform according to our usual successful patterns. We actually need to fail, fast, and deliberately falter to understand the other dimension of life. We need to fast instead of eating, maintain silence instead of talking, experience emptiness instead of fullness, anonymity instead of persona, pennilessness instead of plentifulness.
What could more assuredly break our addiction to ourselves?
In liminal space we descend and intentionally do not immediately come back out or up; we seek status reversal instead of status, social displacement instead of social belonging…. Without good spiritual direction, however, you will run from the inner chaos and the aimlessness. Without deliberate practice and training over time, you will not know how to face loneliness, yourself, hurts, personality conflicts, and your inner demons and patterns…If it is our temperament to seek security, we will run back to the old room that we have already constructed. If it is our temperament to take risks, we will quickly run to a new room of our own making and liking. Hardly anyone wants to stay on the threshold without answers. … …New things never happen when you are accumulating more self or more ideas and answers; new things happen when you are constricted and limited, and when what you think of as yourself is temporarily or permanently taken away.”
And so, rather than rush towards my next streak – of doing, of shoring up momentum and certainties this past year-and-a-half left us all bereft of. I am taking the cue from my body and my tired, fog-filled mind. To sit inside the uncomfortable, liminal space for now. To allow uncertainty to grow new possibilities, new knowings, new muscles inside my heart and being.
To rest inside the undoing a bit longer. In hopes that it will weight the movement yet to come with the gravity of purpose, clarity & the presence of one who’s had the courage to pause inside the threshold.
May you honor the spaces you inhabit at this moment, beloved. Whether they be delightful or dubious. May we summon the spirit needed to live inside this new room, this new world. And may we tend, meet & buoy each other there.
in grace & gratitude,
Amy Day (she/her)
Fellowship Engagement Coordinator
We’ll be talking about Bridges.
About moving from one space to the next and what we want to take with us. And what we want to leave behind.
Join us if you can in this rich and inclusive space for All AGES. |
As I begin to shift my focus, ever so slightly, in preparation for this upcoming year as DLRE (Director of Lifespan Religious Education), I am looking for tools and resources to support us parents and caregivers in our work of raising change-makers & heart-led revolutionaries.
In this quest, I’ve stumbled upon the above book,
the sandbox revolution.
If you have a moment, please take a look. I’d love to organize a common reading of it together as we re-gather this fall. (Conversely, I am deeply open to suggestions for other reads, as well. Particularly from queer, bipoc & marginalized voices related to parenting. Please, feel free to send ideas my way!)
Thank You! ~Amy Day
HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection & Conversation
If weather allows, please join us for our next, in-person..
Multi-Generational Song Circle
Second Saturday of the month, next circle June 12th, 2-3:00 pm at HUUF
Sandy Lynn, Scarlett Trippsmith and others will be bringing out their trusty ukuleles, and sharing some fun, accessible sing-along songs with us on the back patio at HUUF. We’ll stay socially distanced in accordance with state guidelines around singing (and masked, if you prefer). Please, join us for this fun, heart-lifting gathering!
(Psssst… Will move to the following week if rain gets in our way.)
Open Soul Matters Group
Open Soul Matters Group has rescheduled it’s June 10 meet up and will now meet IN PERSON at HUUF on Thursday, June 17 at 10:00 AM – Join Amy Day as she facilitates this final meeting before summer break- The theme discussed will be “Play”
Revised Date for Final HUUF Bird Walk – JUNE 18
Join Valerie Gizinski for the last Birdwalk of the season. If you would like to join us to observe spring beauties of the plant and bird persuasion, email Valerie at Bring binoculars, a mask and dress for soggy and uneven ground. We are observing Covid restrictions and limiting our group to six people.
HUUF Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 20—Immediately After the Sunday Zoom Service
Please join us on Sunday, June 20, for our HUUF Congregational Meeting, immediately following our Sunday Service!
We will elect the following new Board officers and members for next year:
Debi Cooper—Co-President
Sandy Lynn—Secretary
Montana Caouette—Trustee
We will also consider the HUUF operating budget for July 2021—June 2022.
Our Finance Committee has worked diligently on the development of this budget since March, with input from the Board members, our committee chairs, and staff. The Board has approved this budget, and we bring it to the Fellowship members for approval.
To access the proposed 2021-22 Proposed Budget, click HERE , then click on the document.
Please be sure to join us as we need a quorum of members to act officially. |
Welcome Rev. Farriday by participating in this special project!
In Preparation for Our New Minister
HUUF’s Tech wizard, Scarlett Trippsmith, is putting together a Video Diary of All of HUUFs Members, to Present to Our New Minister, Peter Farriday, when he arrives. This is so he can get to know HUUF and its Members, matching names and faces to stories.
To participate or find out more, please contact Scarlett: ASAP |
~ Virtual Green Sheet ~
- Calling all Fathers! For this June 20th Father’s Day service Worship Leader Debi Cooper is looking for some gentlemen of our congregation to speak about fatherhood or share a short story about your father. This can be done by sending a short recording of yourself or speaking live during the Sunday Service. Please contact Debi at to participate
- Grounds Work Party! Saturday, June 19:This is one of the most wonderful times of the year to enjoy our grounds: plants in full bloom and critters in abundance. Please join us Saturday June 19, from 10 am to 1 pm to tend this little haven we have created, and keep it looking beautiful. In addition to our usual weeding and watering, we will disassemble the two vegetable plots in the big meadow. A little muscle will be most appreciated! And if you can only spend an hour, it really helps. If you know you can make it, call or email Val:, 707-825-7446. Many thanks, Your grounds committee
- COMING UP – Join Us: June 20 at 11:00 AM for next Sunday’s Service: What Fatherhood means to you: Join worship leader Debi Cooper: Fathers of our HUUF community will share what fatherhood means to them. We will also split into breakout rooms so Fellowship members get a chance to share stories of their fathers as well.. *Zoom links for Sunday Services are now being posted on our website
- All Congregation Meeting – On June 20, directly after Sunday Service, on the same zoom link, please join one another for this important congregational meeting where we will elect Board officials for the 21-22 fiscal year.
- HUUF Aesthetics and Art news: Currently Eve Anderson’s photo collages are displayed in The HUUF sanctuary. They have bravely hung there all through the pandemic. In Mid August the art/ Aesthetics Committee would like to put up an All Fellowship show to celebrate the arrival of our new Minster. So select/create your finest art and frame them! Watch for the entry date. -TBD
- Save Paper- Submit your 2021/2021 fiscal pledge online!: It’s Easy.. just click HERE . Once you complete the form, click the submit button and your pledge promise will be received, recorded and tracked by the office.