- Reflection
- RE Corner
- HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection
- Climate Action Campaign News/ UUA Climate Justice
- Caring Connection
- Virtual Green Sheet
~To the Beloved Community,
“The Facts of Life”
~by Pádraig Ó Tuama, from Sorry for Your Troubles (Canterbury Press, 2013)
That you were born
and you will die.
That you will sometimes love enough
and sometimes not.
That you will lie
if only to yourself.
That you will get tired.
That you will learn most from the situations
you did not choose.
That there will be some things that move you
more than you can say.
That you will live
that you must be loved.
That you will avoid questions most urgently in need of
your attention.
That you began as the fusion of a sperm and an egg
of two people who once were strangers
and may well still be.
That life isn’t fair.
That life is sometimes good
and sometimes better than good.
That life is often not so good.
That life is real
and if you can survive it, well,
survive it well
with love
and art
and meaning given
where meaning’s scarce.
That you will learn to live with regret.
That you will learn to live with respect.
That the structures that constrict you
may not be permanently constraining.
That you will probably be okay.
That you must accept change
before you die
but you will die anyway.
So you might as well live
and you might as well love.
You might as well love.
You might as well love. |
Please join us for our penultimate online Parents’ Upliftment Circle, On the Porch, this coming Wednesday, May 19th.
We’ll be looking at this month’s Soulful Home packet and the Stories we tell and keep alive inside our own hearts and homes. 
On the Porch – A monthly Soulful Home Exploration for Parents & Caregivers
Together, we’ll explore a collective practice to support our efforts within our homes & share in reflections upon the month’s chosen theme. Facilitated by Amy Day.
Join Us!
HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection & Conversation
Friday, May 14th from 7-8:30 PM
Join Laura Phelan-Shahin, a mom of two littles (a 1.5 and 4 year old), an Expressive Arts Therapist and visual artist, and a member of the Fellowship. Come to explore the content in the book she’s currently exploring, through playing with words, art supplies and connecting with one another. No art experience necessary.
(this is a recurring event that happens the second Friday of each month) |
If you haven’t yet registered for the upcoming Collaborative Leadership Workshop being offered by the team of Cooperation Humboldt, we invite you!
Please join us for
Living Into Our Values:
Cooperative Decision Making to Change the World and Ourselves
- Saturday, May 22nd 10:00am – 3:00pm
- Humboldt Universalist Unitarian Fellowship grounds – Bayside, CA
- Suggested Donation $35-$100 for individuals, $100 for a team of 4
The work of becoming more equitable, inclusive, and diverse within our organizations is justice work.
Cooperation Humboldt has long shown itself to be a pioneer in the field of non-hierarchical, collaborative leadership, and empowering their members to take ever-increasing roles of authority, autonomy and shared responsibility when it comes to spreading the mission, message and service of their organization’s values out into the larger community.
Together, along with members of the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, we have crafted a half-day workshop aimed at helping both community organizations as well as organizers, leaders & volunteers become more fully equipped to address these concerns and help us thrive in the times to come.
The workshop, which will take place in person on HUUF grounds, is the result of an ongoing conversation between our two communities, and a way to address some of the issues we face, both collectively and individually.
This workshop will focus on:
* Ways to effectively share power and responsibility within groups
* Inviting & Empowering leadership within our communities
* Moving from an outmoded, hierarchical power structure to one of collaboration and cooperation
* Creating pathways for direct engagement and involvement based upon the gifts and abilities present within your community
* Forms of dynamic and inclusive governance
* Successfully addressing and uprooting hidden forms of white supremacist and patriarchal values embedded in our systems
* Fostering an atmosphere where a multiplicity of voices and viewpoints can truly be heard
This workshop will be of particular use and interest to:
* Tired and overworked committee members, organizers or chairs who would like to develop better systems of shared responsibility and learn ways to attract new leadership to the work that you do
* Those who serve as members of a Board who would like to learn more equitable and inclusive forms of governance
* Organizations or groups who would like to learn to collaborate more inclusively and cooperatively or Cooperation Humboldt Education Coordinator, Ruthi Engelke @ comm@huuf.orgFor more info, contact Fellowship Engagement Coordinator, Amy Day @
If you are interested in seeing a demonstration of En-Roads, John Schaefer is willing to do a zoom demo again of this interactive climate if there’s enough interest. Please email Sue Mossman if interested by Wednesday, May 19, 5PM. We will try to schedule this for early June.
En-Roads is a fascinating online simulation of climate change and the potential effectiveness of climate activism work.
In this Zoom demo, John Schaefer will run participants through MIT’s En-Roads program which allows him to model various inputs to the climate.
John says “Everyone will have the chance to try policies like electrifying buildings, reducing coal, or capturing carbon, among others. MIT predicts a global temperature rise of 7.3 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100 for their business as usual outcome. Can we do better? For a preview, look at:
BIPOC Caucus on Climate Justice Session 4: The Seventh Principle and Racial and Climate Justice Work
Thursday, May 27 at 5pm PT / 6 MT / 7 CT / 8 ET
All are welcome to attend the 4th session of the Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Caucus, convened by Paula Cole Jones (All Souls Church DC) and Rashid Shaikh (First Parish Cambridge). Session 4 will cover The Seventh Principle and Racial and Climate Justice Work, and include both a BIPOC and White caucus space. The BIPOC caucus is inspired by the UU Seventh Principle (respect for the interdependent web of all existence) and the proposed Eighth Principle (accountably dismantle racism and all other oppressions).
Marianne Pennekamp!
Our Beloved Marianne turns 97 years old on May 14!
This year for practical reasons there will be no formal party BUT, Marianne welcomes cards, phone calls and safe one on one visits.
Please contact Peter Pennekamp by text at 707-616-1360 to schedule visits
Members and Friends and invited to welcome Rehema Tinkamanyire to our extended Fellowship family. Rehema, a Pennekamp family relation, who recently moved to the states from Uganda, will be arriving in Humboldt on May 29th. She has offered up her time and talents to care for Marianne full time. She will be living with Marianne but will know no one else (aside from Peter Pennekamp) in the area. Please extend your grace and make her feel welcome! Contact Marianne 442-6212 or Peter 616-1360 for more information.

~ Virtual Green Sheet ~
- The 5/16 HUUF Summer Retreat Planning Meeting is Cancelled: A Board decision has been made to err on the side of safety as we continue to navigate our way out of this Pandemic. — We will continue to look forward to enjoying the relaxation of the Mattole together in the summer of 2022.
- “Living into Our Values” – Plan to attend this special event! A Cooperative Decision Making Workshop with Cooperation Humboldt- hosted by HUUF – Saturday May 22 10am to 3 pm., in person, on the HUUF campus (outside). To find out more about this dynamic opportunity, contact Fellowship Engagement Coordinator, Amy Day @ or Cooperation Humboldt Education Coordinator, Ruthi Engelke @ . Register for the event HERE
- COMING UP – Join Us: May 23rd 11:00 AM for next Sunday’s Service: May the Muse be with You! Join Pat McCutcheon for this special Poetry Service. The Fellowship’s Friday Poets have met since National Poetry Month 2020 to talk about others’ poems and to share their own. Now with 12 participants, they have grown as poets and as friends and have overcome some of the Covid blues by writing together. Their words invite us to not only embrace life, love and beauty, but also to explore our personal histories. This past year, to quote Amanda Gorman, “even as we grieved we grew.” *Zoom links for Sunday Services are now being posted on our website
- Save Paper- Submit your 2021/2021 fiscal pledge online!: It’s Easy.. just click HERE . Once you complete the form, click the submit button and your pledge promise will be received, recorded and tracked by the office.