Oct. 8th-14th,2021

“If we are strengthening our muscles of awareness, acceptance, and non- judgement then we are making progress.”

~unknown author



~ A Call to Connection ~

  • RE Corner
  • Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
  • Climate Action Campaign
  • From the HUUF Board of Trustees
  • Virtual Green Sheet
 Religious Exploration CORNER 

Thank you to all of you families & volunteers who continue to show up and help manifest the dream of our Playscape! 

We appreciate you so much!

Mark Your Calendars
Our fun loving team of volunteers has rallied their magic once again to bring us a Covid friendly version of our beloved Halloween tradition. 
Saturday October 30th 3-6 pm. 
Online sign up sheet will be available via the website soon. 

Soul Matters – Multi Generation – Open Group
 at HUUF, Saturday October 9 @ 2pm
This month, the group will be facilitated by Alison O’Dowd
All are welcome to drop in to this open group.

Please bring  your mask! and be prepared for meeting outside.
A Musical Inspiration for ALL on Cultivating Relationship
(click the play button, listen and enjoy!)


(Zoom and in-Person!)
HUUF Hybrid Services
 (in Person and on Zoom)
Sign ups are online for in-person HUUF Sundays.  

Please, visit the links below to reserve a spot or plan to join us on Zoom**********************************************************************************

 Cultivating Soul Connections 

(click to reserve an in person seat)
Join Us!  –(in person)
Sunday, October 10 at 11 a.m.

Inner Listening
Alert attention.
Brave inquiry.

Today’s service explores and illustrates how such actions nurture a relationship with our soul and frees up the healing spiritual “medicine” it holds for ourselves and others.


 Spirit of Life, Come to Me 

(click to reserve an in person seat)
Join Us!  –(in person)
Sunday, October 17 at 11 a.m.

Often in times of trouble we call out in hopes there is some “One” beyond us that might help. Then, crisis over, we go back to our everyday life never looking back. This pattern doesn’t work well in these days of constant crisis. Is there any One to call out to? Inspired by the Soul Matters topic “Cultivating Relationship,” Bonnie, Laura and other HUUF members will lead us up to the edge of that question: Is there a God/Ultimate Source/Higher Power? Can we cultivate a relationship with this Power/Spirit? What can this look like?

Laura Phelan-Shahin, the mother of two young children, is a marriage and family therapist for whom cultivating and healing relationships is her life work. Bonnie MacGregor is a lifelong spiritual explorer and practitioner close to the end of her life span. This exploration matters greatly to them both.

Fellowship Engagement is actively seeking facilitators for….
Book groups, discussion circles, creative explorations, mutual aid & support work…. Anything that adds to the health & vibrancy of our beloved community is welcome!

In the past, volunteers have offered circles on..

*Anti-racism & Allyship Work
*Spiritual Practice
*Yoga & Wellness   

…among others.  
If you have an idea for a group you’d like to lead (or just be a part of), please contact Lifespan Religious Exploration Director, Amy Day, to see if we can turn your concept into a viable offering for the community. 

No expertise needed. 
Just a desire to share with others in an open-hearted & collective learning environment. 
 email comm@huuf.org to share your ideas with us! 

Open Soul Matters Group meets 
October 13 @ 7pm via Zoom


The Open Soul Matters Group, facilitated by Rev. Peter Farriday, meets the second Wednesday of each month from 7pm – 8:30pm on  Zoom  
All are welcome to drop in – No need to pre-register, BUT please have your Soul Matters packet standing by, as it will be referenced throughout the meeting.
(if possible take the time to review the packet in advance)
Join the meeting by clicking  HERE

Ancient Forest Sangha

Fall Day of Mindfulness at HUUF: Living this Precious Life

All are welcome to join the Ancient Forest Sangha for a nourishing day of mindful meditation practices, sitting, walking, eating, deep relaxation, and times of silence and sharing led by Dharma Teacher Alexa Singer-Telles on October 16 from 10:30 AM to 5 PM at HUUF. You are invited to bring a picture or symbol to place on an altar to our ancestors as we contemplate the Five Remembrances. These wisely remind us of the theme of this day’s practice: the preciousness of life, and how looking at death teaches us to live life more fully. Bring a vegetarian lunch, water, a blanket or yoga mat for total relaxation and a cushion if you prefer to use one. Since part of the day will be held indoors, we will observe the following Covid precautions: all attending must be fully vaccinated and masked, all windows will be open (so it may be cool), and people will be spaced appropriately. The suggested donation for the day is $30, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds; offerings of ‘dana’ – generosity – will be invited. Please contact Valerie for more information or to register: polkaqueen@gmail.com.

All are welcome to attend, to learn, and participate in all of the initiatives and important conversations that the CAC has to offer.
Use this LINK to join the meeting.

 October’s “ACTION”  is Water Conservation 
 October’s “ACTION”  is Water Conservation 
Each American uses an average of 80-100 gallons of water per day at home
(USGS, Estimated Use of Water in the United States).

How much can you and your family conserve if you put you mind to it?
The more we do together the bigger impact we’ll have overall. Soon these small changes will become habits that you won’t have to think about! Together we can help mitigate the consequences of climate change.

  • This week, wash only FULL loads of laundry… and weather permitting, hang your clothes to dry rather than using the dryer- (If it’s rainy you can also hang the clothes indoors!)
You are invited to let the CAC know how your doing with your conservation efforts email Margy Emerson: margaretemerson@att.net  

 The Water-Energy Nexus: Driving Equitable Climate Solutions 
Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 10 AM – 11:30 AM PST
There is a strong link, often referred to as the water-energy nexus, between water, energy, and the climate crisis. Reducing energy demand — and thereby reliance on fossil fuels — is necessary to drive the clean energy transition forward. Better water management can play a key role in driving down energy demand and its associated climate pollution. Join us to hear from a diverse set of speakers who will discuss how climate change is exacerbating the impacts of California water mismanagement on vulnerable communities. This webinar will offer live Spanish translation. REGISTER HERE
HUUF October Congregational Meeting
Sunday,  October 17, 1:00 PM

We will hold our October Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 17,
at 1:00 PM on Zoom. 

The worship service that day will be hybrid: in-person and on Zoom. Since the Congregational Meeting requires the opportunity for all members to speak, we will hold this as a separate gathering on Zoom at 1:00 PM that day. 

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 993 9914 3893



1. Review and approve the amended budget: Click this link to see the budget
2. Consider approval of the proposed 8th UUA principle

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission/blog/8thprinciple-0

  • PLEASE BE SURE TO LOCK UP HUUF! We have found the building unlocked a number of times in the past few months. If you have unlocked the building, please be sure to lock ALL the doors when you leave. 
  • October HUUF Newsletter: The October edition of the HUUF newsletter has posted and is available to you online via the HUUF website. Click HERE to access it.  
  • CAC’s monthly meeting-THIS Sunday: All are welcome to attend after Sunday Service via Zoom on October 10th, at 1pm. Use this LINK to join the meeting.
  • COMING UP – Join Us: October 17 at 11:00 AM Sunday ServiceSpirit of Life, Come to Me *(Hybrid! Both in-person and on Zoom) — use this Reservation Link to reserve your seat. *We are offering a max seating capacity of 50 people, so sign up NOW, OR join each other on Zoom.  Zoom links are accessible on our