“CAKES AND ALE” with Redwood Coast CUUPS
March 1, 2019, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
The Redwood Coast chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans cordially invites one and all to share “Cakes and Ale” (snacks, appetizers, and drinks) with chapter members at the HUUF sanctuary. The event will be an informal Open House, meet & greet, and Q&A opportunity for HUUF members and friends to chat with RC-CUUPS members about Pagan worship, details of CUUPS membership and participation, the role of the Redwood Coast chapter in the life of the HUUF community, and what ever else comes to mind. Drop in with questions or expressions of interest, stories of personal experiences with Paganism and CUUPS (if you have them), or to just listen and learn about this new ministry in the Humboldt UU Fellowship. Merry Meet, and Welcome!