Services 11-19
Sunday Services
Sunday, Nov. 3 – 9 and 11 a.m. – Gilda Bettencourt – Nonviolent Peaceforce: Improving Security Through Peaceful Means
We say we don’t want war, yet there will always be conflict. Join us as we learn from Gilda Bettencourt about an international, nonpartisan, unarmed peacekeeping organization with the goal of protecting civilians and reducing violence in areas affected by armed conflict. This grassroots organization helps to build community and use unarmed strategies to reduce conflict.
Sunday, Nov. 10 – 9 and 11 a.m. – Yin & Yang/Feminine & Masculine: Restoring Balance in our World – Margaret Emerson
Ancient Taoist philosophers provided deep spiritual insight into the complex balance between the feminine and masculine principles. Margaret Emerson, HUUF member and author of the new book “Laotse, Waldo and Me,” will explore the nature of the dynamics of Yin and Yang and apply it to our transforming cultures today.
Sunday, Nov. 17 – 9 and 11 a.m. – The Arc of Harvey – Rev. Anthony Johnson
Patriarchy may be defined as the rule of systems and societies by male supremacy in all political, moral and cultural authority. Patriarchy is the abuse of power based upon gender. It has been around, in between and on top for a very long time. Our current struggle to call out patriarchy is coming full circle, and I call this present-day part of that circle of overdue justice the “Arc of Harvey,” so named for Hollywood mogul producer Harvey Weinstein.
Sunday Nov. 24 – 9 and 11 a.m. – African Indigenous Spirituality – Rev. Anthony Johnson
In the creation of our Beloved Community this sermon will ask: What contributions does the ancient spiritual wisdom of Africa have to offer at this time? Indigenous African Spirituality differs from what we in the West may refer to as “religion.” There is no fixed creed or closed theological system as seen in some forms of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It encompasses, at its most basic level, a universal belief in survival and triumph over death and the immortality of the human soul.