Services 2-24
Sunday Services
Sunday, February 4 – 11:00 a.m. – The Service Service – Laura Phelan-Shahin and Margy Emerson
Join Laura and Margy as they explore service as a spiritual practice. Then form small groups and use deep listening skills to learn about one another’s experiences with service and volunteerism.
Questions offered as starting points for conversation are: What has been your relationship to volunteerism and how has it evolved over the course of your life? When you hesitate to do service, what is getting in the way? What type of service does your heart lead you toward, including in your spiritual community?
Stay for cookies and coffee afterward to continue the discussion.
Sunday, February 11 – 11:00 a.m. – The Work of Legacy
They say the best way to predict the future is to create it. On this day, we take time to honor the labors of those who have helped shape and guide the culture of our Fellowship – offering us their wisdom, creativity, ingenuity, and heart. We will take time to hear their stories and honor their legacies, as well as hold space for the dreams we collectively hold for our community’s future and all we are creating in the here and now.
Sunday, February 18 – 11:00 a.m. – The Many Sources of Unitarian Universalism – Berti Welty
Unitarian Universalism is a non-creedal religion. Instead of sharing a common set of beliefs, we share a core set of values. A common saying in UU circles is “We don’t have to believe alike in order to love alike.” This service will celebrate the diversity of the sources of UU inspiration. Members of the congregation with differing beliefs will share how their search for truth and inspiration has led them to be involved in the UU community.
Sunday, February 25 – 11:00 a.m. – Stone Soup Sunday
Maybe you are familiar with this story: A traveler comes to town and reminds the villagers – who feel themselves hard-pressed and guarded against the trying times they’re living in – that each of us, however humble or tired, has a valuable gift to impart. And when we bring what we have to the collective feast, we create a world of nourishment and abundance for all. Join us as we use the gifts of ritual, story, song, work, and feasting to bring this story once more to life.