Services 3-24
Sunday Services
Sunday, March 3 – 11:00 a.m. – Join in, Let’s Get Clean Energy Clean – Dr. Wendy Ring, Ann Kilby
HUUF Climate Action Campaign members invite everyone to hear physician and climate activist Dr. Wendy Ring’s presentation. She will share her passionate engagement and focus especially on the not-at-all-clean “clean energy” generated and marketed here in our county. She will explain the present window of opportunity and the larger context in which our action may have influence.
Sunday, March 10 – 11:00 a.m. – How We Hold Each Other Close – Karen Harris, Gage Bock, Amy Day
Unitarian Universalists have long recognized that the facile offerings of “love and light” while people are suffering are not enough. We are a people deeply devoted to practicing and enacting our love. Join us as our former HUUF minister, a local professional holistic coach, and our Director of Spiritual Life gather around the question of how we care for one another during these times. What is our responsibility to one another as members of the beloved community, and how do we gain the skills needed to meet the moment we are in?
Sunday, March 17 – 11:00 a.m. – Ostara (Spring Equinox) Ceremony – Margy Emerson, Maggie McKnight
Join the revelry as we celebrate Ostara and the height of spring – the moment of balance between night and day. We will cast the circle, call in the directions, plant the seeds of our intentions, and sing. Bring flowers, sacred items, and colored eggs for the altar. And for making joyful noise, bring drums, tambourines, and rattles.
Sunday, March 24 – 11:00 a.m. – Spiritual Tools for Navigating Difficult Times – Caroline Isaacs
As a longtime psychotherapist, Caroline Isaacs offers Depth Psychology and Spiritual Direction. She practices Judaism with both a particularist and a universalist understanding. Caroline will offer tools for coping with both personal and sociopolitical turmoil.
Sunday, March 31 – 11:00 a.m. – Gender, Rebirth, and the Holy Work of Change – Amy Day
Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote: “Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but … Life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.” On this day when we culturally gather around the powerful notion of resurrection, we examine the many ways in which we human beings are asked to continually make space to give birth to the new, both as individuals and toward the collective.
On this day of transgender visibility as well, we will celebrate and lift up how our beloved gender-expansive siblings have helped crack open old, limiting definitions of self and sexuality in order to articulate a more multifaceted and vibrant world for us all. Bring a simple dish to share for our potluck celebration.