Services 7-24
Sunday Services
Sunday, July 7, 11:00 a.m. – How True North and Partner Organizations Have Taught and Learned – Terry Supahan
Terry Supahan, Executive Director of True North Organizing Network, speaks warmly about adventures and encouraging perspectives drawn from his long and dynamic experience in community-led grassroots organizing at tribal, state, and regional levels.
Sunday, July 14, 11:00 a.m. – May Love be at the Center of All We Do – Berti Welty
Any healthy organization periodically examines their core values and mission to keep them current with today’s society. The Unitarian Universalist Association is in the process of re-defining our core Principles. The proposal includes the list of Principles morphing into a core set of values, centered in Love. Throughout the summer, various HUUF Sunday Services will include an in-depth examination of each of these core values.
This service will focus on the unifying principle of Love. Select individuals will share their perspectives on this kind of love, and how it can be manifested within our individual selves, our community, and the larger world.
Sunday, July 21, 11:00 a.m. – Justice – Corazon Amada
Our Unitarian Universalist values start with a core of love. Cornel West wrote that “justice is what love looks like in public.” We will create this service together. Those who wish will be able to share for three minutes each about justice. Bring a story from your life, a short book excerpt, a short poem, song, trinket, or something that you connect with when you think of justice — justice denied, justice won, justice and forgiveness, the difficulties in standing up for justice, justice and prisons/punishment, favorite justice struggles or stories in your personal life or in the world.
Sunday, July 28, 11:00 a.m. – The Value of Generosity – Amy Day
Join us for an open-mic discussion of our UU faith and values. Bring a short (3 minutes or less) story, reflection, poem, or song that says a little about how this value operates and lives in your heart and life and how you strive to embody it, day-to-day. If you like, bring a small finger-food item to share.