Choose to Bless the World

Many of you already know that September’s Soul Matters topic is “Embracing Possibility.” I can’t imagine a more fitting theme as we begin our shared ministry.

On our first Sunday together, Rev. Farriday will reflect on aspects of this, including how we might embrace UU minister Rebecca Parker’s invitation to “Choose to Bless the World” in the most powerful
ways possible. This Ingathering Sunday customarily includes a “Gathering of the Waters” ritual. Because the pandemic is still with us, in lieu of individual water-sharing, the service leaders will instead blend local waters on everyone’s behalf – waters that flow together to nourish our lives and our Fellowship.


“Choose to Bless the World”

Sunday, September 12th @ 11am 


Gathering Music: – Annette Gurnee Hull

“All Creatures of the Earth and Sky” ~ Tune: “Lasst uns erfreuen” 

Welcome & Acknowledgments – Berti Welty

Bell, Chalice Lighting, and Aspiration – Berti Welty 

Thematic Hymn –Elisabeth Harrington

 Hymn #1007  – “There’s a River Flowin’ in My Soul” 

Introduce/Welcome the new minister David Marshak  & Debi Cooper

Ingathering Welcome Rev. Peter Farriday

Blending the Waters of Community – Berti Welty & Rev. Peter Farriday

Movement for All Ages – Amy Day 

Singing the Children Out (“Go Now in Peace”) – Annette Gurnee Hull

Joys & Concerns, Followed by a moment of silence – Rev. Peter Farriday

Reading – Rev. Peter Farriday

Song – Elisabeth Harrington

“Rivers of Grace” by Carla Gates

Sermon – Rev. Peter Farriday

 Interlude Elisabeth Harrington

“Rivers of Grace” by Carla Gates

 Offering Intro – Rev. Peter Farriday

Offertory: – Annette Gurnee Hull

“Down to the River/Shall We Gather at the River” ~ Spiritual 

Closing Words –Rev. Peter Farriday

Musical Reprise – Elisabeth Harrington 

Hymn  #1007 “There’s a River Flowin’ in My Soul”

Benediction/Extinguish Chalice – Rev. Peter Farriday 

Postlude –Elisabeth Harrington  

Hymn  #1007 – “There’s a River Flowin’ in My Soul”



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