Cultivating Soul Connections

Inner listening. Alert attention. Brave inquiry. Today’s service explores and illustrates how such actions nurture a relationship with our soul and frees up the healing spiritual “medicine” it holds for ourselves and others.


Cultivating Soul Connections

 Oct. 1th, 2021 @11am 


Gathering Music: “Chimes, Op. 40 #3” by Cyril Scott  -Annette Gurnee Hull

Welcome, Acknowledgments, and Ringing the Bell –Rev. Peter Farriday 

Chalice Lighting & Aspiration* – Ann Kilby

Time for All Ages  -Amy Day

 Singing the Children Out to “Go Now in Peace”Sung by Amy Day, Piano by Annette Gurnee Hull

Joys & Concerns –Rev. Peter Farriday

Reading: “The Soul’s Code” by James Hillman  –Ann Kilby 

Sermon –Rev. Peter Farriday

Offering Introduction –Ann Kilby 

Offertory: “Autumn Idyll” by Cyril Scott –Annette Gurnee Hull

Closing Words & Benediction –Rev. Peter Farriday

Extinguish the Chalice & Exiting Instructions –Ann Kilby 

Closing Song “Go From Here in Peace”-Annette Gurnee Hull


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