Labor Day: A Bygone Day of Rest

Labor Day : A Bygone of Rest

September 5th, 2021 @ 11am 

Gathering Music ………….…………………. Annette Gurnee Hull

Which Side Are You On?” Baptist Hymn 

Welcoming ……………………………………………….…….  Amy Day

Chalice Lighting, Aspiration  ……………. Bonnie MacGregor

Story of All ages  ………………………………..…. Jessalyn Ducchi

Joys & Sorrows ………………………………………………. Amy Day

Work in our Culture ……..……..…………… Bonnie MacGregor

Music “Enjoy Yourself”…. Bob Billstrom & Maggie Moore

Work in our Culture ………………………………………… Amy Day 

Music “If I Had a Hammer” ……..……..…………. Sandy Lynn

Work in our Culture ………..……………… Scarlett Trippsmith

Offertory ………………………..………….. Annette Gurnee Hull

“Peace Like a River” Spiritual 

“How to Build Community”………….. Responsive Reading

Chalice Extinguishing  ………..…..…..… Bonnie MacGregor

Go From Here in Peace  …………….…. Annette Gurnee Hull



During this past year and half of uncertainty, we have seen many alarming inequities and dichotomies within our culture concerning work and the workplace.

There is an expectation –even a requirement – to be constantly producing even though or because we are in the middle of a Global pandemic. Do we ever just stop to truly rest? Are we really living if work is the means
and the end?

We will hear three perspectives from Scarlett Trippsmith, Amy Day, and Bonnie MacGregor of how work has changed in their lifetimes and how we, as a culture, might benefit from a change in perspective on rest.