Ministry History and Mystery

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HUUF has a rich history of lay leadership. Before there was ever a person in the official seat of “minister,” it was a task taken on by the collective, and this has happened time and again through the years. Everything from pastoral care to managing our resources to proclaiming wisdom at the pulpit, we have held those spaces with what gifts we have to give.

As we tentatively exit the isolation of Covid, and we eagerly await the coming of the Rev Farriday, we sit inside the question: What is our ministry in this time? Together, we’ll mine stories of the past for insight and inspiration and craft a vision of what can be when not just one person steps into the powerful work of ministry, but many.

Ministry History & Mystery – Sunday, May 30th – 11 a.m. 
Gathering Music: “Civil War Medley” (Battle Cry of Freedom, Yankee Doodle, Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye, Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier, Hard Times Come Again No More)……….. Annette Gurnee Hull 
Welcome and Service Orientation………………………….Scarlett Trippsmith 
Chalice Lighting & Introduction …………………………… Bonnie MacGregor 
Our Aspiration – Amy Day, Annette Gurnee Hull, Bonnie MacGregor, Scarlett Trippsmith
Opening Hymn: “Come Come Whoever You Are”………………….. HUUF Choir  
Story for All Ages: “Stone Soup”
Joys & Sorrows…………….…………………………….…. Bonnie MacGregor
Offertory: “Carolyn McDade Medley”- Come Sing a Song With Me, Rising Green, Spirit of Life, & We’ll Build a Land.………………… Annette Gurnee Hull 
Ministry History & Mystery………………… Bonnie MacGregor & Amy Day
Interviews : Thea Gast, Karen Harris & Sue Mossman 
Slideshow- Images courtesy of Annette Gurnee Hull & Judy Rishel 
Accompanying Music: “From You I Receive” performed by David Zeller 
Closing Hymn:  “We Shall Be Known” by MaMuse performed by the Thrive East Bay Choir
Extinguishing the Chalice………………………………………………… Amy Day 
Go From Here in Peace. Go in Love.