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Plans have been drawn for a Nature Based Play Space on the Fellowship grounds for HUUF children and families. Some work has already been done, and the Religious Education Committee is currently mobilizing to realize the design this spring. Wendy will discuss what will be required for creating and sustaining it.
This idea is part of a national movement to provide play spaces that give children opportunities to connect with nature and further healthy child development, and it is well aligned with UU values. As John Rosenow, the chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation, put it, “We need to help children learn to love the Earth before we can ask them to save it.”
Nurturing Wonder with Wendy Rowan
Sunday, March 21st – 11 a.m.
Gathering Music ~ This Little Light of Mine ……………..….. Annette Gurnee Hull
Welcome and Service Orientation………………………………. Scarlett Trippsmith
Chalice Lighting …………………………………………………… Jasmine O’Dowd
Aspiration (A Children’s Version) …………………..…..…. Amaya & Orion Teraroka
A Show for All Ages: ………………………………… Jack Miller & Montana Caouette
A Story for All Ages: …………………………………………….. Cadence Fitzmaurice
Special Music: Beethoven Sonatina in G Major Anh. 5 …………..…… Sam West
Joys and Sorrows, Moment of Silence…………………………..………… Amy Day
Special Music: Minuet in G Major by Bach ………………………….…… Cara West
Video: What is Play? ………………… with Natural Playscape Expert, Rusty Keeler
“Nurturing Wonder” ……………………………………………………. Wendy Rowan
Offertory ~ For the Beauty of the Earth …………………………Annette Gurnee Hull
Hymn: Wild & Precious ………………………………………………… by Lea Morris
Extinguishing Chalice………………………………………………… Cassidy O’Dowd
Final Reading ………………………………………………………….…….. Amy Day