Saying Yes and Saying No

JOIN THE LIVE ZOOM SERVICE by clicking this link: HUUF Sunday Service, Meeting ID: 975 6943 4846

Heather Vickery will present a centering and discernment practice designed for anyone working for justice who needs help setting boundaries around what they can and cannot manage. We will begin to connect to what our hearts and values – as individuals and as a community – most strongly call us to do for justice. Heather is the coordinator for Congregational Activism for the Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice and the UU Service Committee.

 Saying Yes and Saying No

Heather Vickery 

11:00 AM March 7, 2021

Gathering Music ⁓ Sinfonia #6, BWV 792 by J.S. Bach ….………… Annette Gurnee Hull

Welcome Zoom Orientation  ……………….….…………….…….….… Scarlett Trippsmith 

Chalice Lighting and Aspiration ………….…………..…………..……………….. Amy Day

Story for All Ages ⁓  “The Star Thrower by Loren Eisley

Opening Hymn ⁓ “Come Healing by Leonard Cohen …. First Unitarian Brooklyn Choir 

Joys, Sorrows & Moment of Silence …………….…………….…….………….. Amy Day

“Saying Yes & Saying No” ….…………….…….…………………………. Heather Vickery

Offertory: Sinfonia #7, BWV 793 by J.S. Bach ……….….…….…… Annette Gurnee Hull 

Closing hymn ⁓“Answering the Call of Love” by Community Church of New York UU

Extinguish the Chalice……….…….…………….………….…………….…………. Amy Day

Go from here in Peace. 

Go in Love.