Consensus as a Spiritual Practice for Building Community

Your presence is needed. This is a key service for the life of our community. This is your chance to learn one way to connect with and serve your fellows and yourself. This service will also prepare you for one of the most important services all year happening next Sunday: the All Congregational Meeting where we will engage in a facilitated consensus process to make our way to a crucial decision together about the future of HUUF that will affect all of us. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Consensus isn’t just a way for a group of people to make decisions. It’s a way of building and maintaining healthy, connected relationships between a group of people. Voting can be faster (voting can be part of a consensus process), but consensus is better because it’s a way of building and repairing community. Consensus is a practice of showing how we care for each other as we slow down, listen deeply, and inclusively weave what we each value most into a decision reflecting a common-unity we all reach together.

There are more ways to find consensus than there are groups of people seeking it. At this service we will explore what consensus building means in this Fellowship and get a brief chance to practice those skills together.


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