~ A Call to Connection ~
- Religious Exploration Corner
- Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
- Climate Action Campaign
- Caring Connection
- Fellowship Happenings
- Buddhist Community Sharing
- Community Bulletin
- Staff Office Hours
Poets Back by Popular Demand
(There is no in person gathering this week)
Join Pat McCutcheon & Members of the Poetry Group on Zoom
Sunday, May 29th at 11 am.
By popular demand, Humboldt’s Fellowship Poets will return for a third close encounter with fans and with friends. We are told that the limelight becomes us, but only you, beloved audience, can verify that claim. Come! Listen! Behold! Snap those fine fingers and wrinkle that nose.
*This service will be offered on Zoom Only due to Covid safety concerns of the presenters
Join us on Zoom

Join Us here Wednesday, June 1st at 7pm
for this collective loving experience
Join “Tales of the Transrational” on June 4!
In May’s newsletter I described a Fellowship Engagement program, “Tales of the Transrational,” to be held on Saturday, June 4. It’s a chance to share examples of transrational (or transcendent, or mystical) experiences in our lives, and reflect on what they’ve meant to us. Or if you haven’t had such an experience (or aren’t sure) but are curious, to hear from others about theirs.
I also said that gathering in person would be subject to Covid conditions at the time. And since overall cases have risen again, and one HUUF family and a staff member recently contracted the virus, this will now be a strictly Zoom affair.
If held in person it was going to run from 2-5pm with a lengthy halfway break. But that’s a long time to be on Zoom, so it will still begin at 2pm but now run until 4pm instead. (Though depending on the number of participants and the overall energy it could go a little shorter or longer.)
Please register here, and I look forward to hearing your stories! ~ Rev Peter Farriday
Your One Wild and Precious Life
Join DLRE, Rev Peter Farriday
Sunday, June 5th at 11 am.
Mary Oliver closes her poem “The Summer Day” with this query: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” As we near the cusp of another summer, we’ll explore how responding from our soul’s depths empowers us to both savor the world and give our fullest gifts to it.
*This service will be offered in person & on Zoom
Sign Up in advance to attend in person
or, Join us on Zoom
Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful Join guest speaker Rev Kalen Fristad
Sunday, June 12th at 11 am.
In the 1960s two distinct religious organizations joined to form the Unitarian Universalist Association. This presentation delves into the origins, history, and the powerful message that Universalism has to approach today’s difficult problems. It is a hopeful message applicable to both Christians and non-Christians.
Rev. Kalen Fristad has been a United Methodist minister for more than 40 years and is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship. He traveled the country full time with his wife, Darlene, from 2003 to 2006 accepting invitations to speak at churches, proclaiming the hopeful message of Universalism. He retired from the parish ministry in 2013 but continues to travel the country speaking on Universalism. Over the years he has spoken at more than 240 UU churches.
*This service will be offered in person & on Zoom
Sign Up in advance to attend in person
or, Join us on Zoom
Room to Wri te
We have 6 sessions left of our twice-weekly Co-Writing space before we take a break for the summer! Mondays & Fridays 11-12:30, May 30-June 13, on Zoom in this drop-in friendly space designed to carve out time and gentle accountability for you to show up to the healing and generative space of the page! We start with a brief grounding and check-in, then mute ourselves for a solid hour of solo writing time, followed by a small group reflection at the end. Whether you journal, write poems or prose, or have a larger project you’re working on, we invite you!
Ancient Forest Sangha Presents:
Day of Mindfulness Retreat: Living An Awakened Life

The Ancient Forest Sangha offers a day of mindful meditation, relaxation, and deep listening in the tradition of Plum Village on Saturday, June 18, from 9:30am-4pm. The retreat will be led by Dharma Teacher Alexa Singer-Telles. “To live an awakened life is to be present with each breath, aware of the simple blessing of being alive.” Bring a vegetarian lunch, water, a blanket or mat to lie on and a cushion for sitting if you prefer. Covid precautions: all must be fully vaccinated and masked, windows will be open, appropriate spacing, and attendance limited. Suggested donation is $30, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Register at
Film Screening Opportunity and Discussion on Plastic Pollution
350 Humboldt has arranged for climate activists to have a free viewing of the film, The Story of Plastic, which can be screened on your own time the week of May 31 with a link that is not to be shared publicly
I will be receiving the link for the film on May 31 from 350 Humboldt, and will forward that link to you that day. Please email Sue Lee Mossman at if you wish to have the link.The film discussion will be held by 350 Humboldt on zoom on June 6, at 7 pm and the link for the zoom discussion is:
Climate Victory Gardens
No matter where you live or how much space you have (even if you live in an apartment), your garden can be part of the movement of thousands of individuals across the country (and world!) who are gardening for the climate.Growing food and flowers can be part of the climate solution if done regeneratively.
And, it’s easy! Learn about the basics of gardening and tips for getting started.
SB 1173, the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act, was passed by the State Senate on Wednesday. For our June climate action, the Climate Action Campaign had suggested that we write to Senator Mike McGuire and ask him to support SB1173.This bill will require CalPERS and CalSTRS to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel companies by 2030 and report annually on their progress, and is now headed to the Assembly. Write to Assembly Member Jim Wood and ask for his support of SB 1173. His address can be found at
Write to Senator Mike McGuire to ask for his support of SB 1230 the Clean Car Equity Bill (for address, see See June newsletter for details.
Remembering Thea Gast
Fellowship Happenings

- Administrator’s time off: Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti will be out of the office for the next two weeks (beginning May 30 and returning June 13). See you all when I return! If you have pressing needs while I’m gone please contact Rev. Peter Farriday or DLRE, Amy Day for assistance – Their contact info and office hours are listed below. FYI: The Weekly will be on brief hiatus while I’m gone.
- A Heartfelt THANKS: For over a decade, Steve Sottong has been an integral part of creating the monthly newsletter. For the past 7 years he’s held the seat of editor and chief. This tremendous work and dedication deserves a standing ovation ~ THANK YOU STEVE! Steve has announced he’ll be stepping down from his post. The June newsletter is his last in the editor seat. HUUF is seeking a volunteer to take his place – for details see Steve’s article in the June edition –
- HUUF Board Opportunities: HUUF’s Board will be an integral part of our transition following the pandemic and offers opportunities to members who want to be a part of making growth happen.
Three board opportunities are currently available for service starting in July. Please contact me for more information. Sylvia Shaw, 707-599-1563,
Giving is Easy! Please help with our upcoming fiscal budget planning by registering your pledge promise. Access an online pledge form HERE
Buddhist Community Sharing
Tending Our Grief
a virtual gathering ~ with Lama Choyang
Sunday, June 5th, 4-6pm (PDT)
With the white supremacist attack in Buffalo, ongoing war in Ukraine, in this time of overwhelming loss, uncertainty, and epic change, we all need a safe place to come together, to feel and share our hearts’ grief. We need a place to be fully present with ourselves, each other, and our world. There is much to grieve, both personally and collectively.
During our time together we will honor our sacred grief through sharing presence, ritual, music and deep listening. This space holds a warm welcome for the many faces and forms of grieving.Registration: Please email me ( if you are planning to attend, so that we can send the Zoom link to you and share further information for our time together.Suggested donation: $15 – $40 the gathering
Venmo: Allison-Rader-8
OR please mail check to: Lama Choyang;
319 Shirley Blvd;
Arcata, CA 95521).If you have any questions about the program, please email me or Lama Choyang (
Community Bulletin
Parenting Tools for Navigating Power Struggles
An Introductory Zoom Group on: SETTING LIMITS with Hand in Hand Parenting by Connection Tools. Followed by a 6 week Zoom support group at the same time for learning how to use the Parenting by Connection tools Led by Emily Siegel LCSW
Come to the introductory group meeting and then decide if you want to continue with the 6 week group.
Interested in attending?
We are collecting names now. When there are enough names, it will be scheduled for a Wednesday 11:45 am to 1:45 pm.
To learn more see the full event flyer HERE or check out the Parenting by Connection website
Call Emily Siegel LCSW 707-845-2401 for questions, or to sign up and get the date and Zoom link for the introductory Zoom group.