~ A Call to Connection ~
- HUUF Leadership Opportunities
- Religious Exploration Corner
- Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
- Caring Connection/Thea Gast Celebration of Life
- Climate Action Campaign
- Fellowship Happenings
- Community Bulletin
- Staff Office Hours
HUUF Leadership Opportunities
Join the HUUF Leadership Team!

“Leadership is not about titles positions or work hours. It’s about relationships.”Three board opportunities are currently available for service starting in September (we have extended our previous July timeframe)
HUUF’s Board will be an integral part of our transition and growth.
This is an amazing opportunity for HUUF members to help guide our beloved organization while upholding the values that we represent. Be the Change!
Collaborating and learning while deepening Fellowship relationships is a spiritual practice.
Volunteer Opportunity!
We are searching for a champion with the time, bandwidth, and/or experience to chair our new HR committee. If you would like to take on this role or take part in this wonderful opportunity please contact Cassie Brillbeck @
UUA – PWR (Pacific Western Region)
Camp Blue Boat
There still time to to register and join the fun!
Camp Blue Boat is a Unitarian Universalist summer camp immersion experience for youth from rising 6th grade to 12th grade graduates, with age specific housing and programming.
Dates: July 17-22, 2022
Location: Lazy F Camp & Retreat Center, Ellensburg, WA
Apply for Staff: Staff applications for youth and adult positions are now open!
Fees: $625. Sibling Discount (-$50) & Early Registration Discount (-$25)
Financial Need: No one should be stopped from attending PWR events because of finances. Waiver opportunity inside registration.
Find out more & access the registration link here:
Service Announcement
Summertime is here!
We are embracing the value of community while honoring the casual nature of the season by offering a series of discussion style services for the summer.
Please join us!
There will be no prior sign ups needed to attend.
Simply come as you are, when you are able, at 11am each Sunday.Our dedicated and dynamic Childcare Coordinator, Jessalyn DeLucchi, will be on hand to offer free play, craft and movement experiences to our kiddos during services.We will continue to observe reasonable Covid safety:
Masking required inside & Distancing require in all spaces
As a reminder, for those who are unable or uncomfortable attending in person, you can still join us on Zoom!
We hope to see you!
Chaos and the Tapestry of Life
Sunday, July 10th at 11 am at HUUF
Join Pat McCutcheon and Laura Phelan-Shahin
For our first discussion service of the summer, Laura and Pat will lead with a story followed by guided meditation, music, and discussion on this Sunday’s theme.
Join us in person (no prior sign up needed)
Join us on ZOOM
The Future of Worship I
Sunday, July 17th at 11 am at HUUF
Join Members of the Program and Worship Team
 This service will be the first in a three-part summer series.
We will gather at HUUF and on Zoom for small-group discussions. This first discussion will explore Unitarian Universalism as an engaged spiritual tradition and what the spiritual source is at HUUF that helps you live your life in the world.
Join us in person (no prior sign up needed)
Join us on ZOOM
All Fellowship Retreat – “Better Together”
Mark your calendars! 2022 is the year that the annual summertime All Ages Fellowship Retreat returns to our beloved community.
Join the FUN! August 12-14 in the lovely sunshine and river-adjacent space of the Mattole. You can expect songs and workshops and wonderful meals and a visceral reminder that, in accordance with this year’s theme, we truly are “Better Together”! In an effort to maintain the health and safety of our community, we are asking for proof of vaccination for all eligible participants, and a recent negative Covid test. We will be limiting our numbers this year to about 50, so please, make sure to register your interest ASAP! You can sign up online HERE, contact Joanna Welch @ and let her know how many in your group would like to participate. Or give Bridgette a call at the office: 707-822-3793.
Check our website more for details.
Thea Gast Celebration of Life
Come together to remember our beloved HUUF member
Sunday July 10 at 2:00pm
July 10 would have been Thea’s birthday.
Join us in person at HUUF or on Zoom as we complete the circle
If you are attending in person, we will be observing Covid protocols by masking and distancing as much as possible.
Refreshments will be served outside.
Please consider carpooling
You are also welcome to join the service on Zoom; click HERE to join
For the months of July and August:
HUUF Climate Action Campaign will meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month (rather than on the 2nd Sunday)
Meetings will still begin at 1pm, on Zoom, after Sunday Service.
Join the CAC for their July Meeting on 7/17
Join the CAC for their August Meeting on 8/21
Fellowship Happenings

- Fellow UU, Moving to Humboldt, is Looking for Housing: Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno member, Amanda Dinscore, recently accepted a job at CalPoly Humboldt and will be moving to the area in August. Her family of four (plus a small dog) are in need of temporary housing while they look for a home to buy. Can you help with her family’s journey? Please reach out to Amanda directly if you know of any housing prospects or reliable housing contacts. She can provide more information if you’d like, and Rev. Tim Kutzmark from the Fresno congregation would be able to serve as a reference if needed. Let’s welcome her to the community!
- Pastoral Counseling Team: The Pastoral counseling team is here to help with pastoral support as part the Fellowship’s shared ministry. With Peter’s departure the team will be Suzanne Kimmel, Tom Lewis, and Shawn Nichols, if you have pastoral needs, a meeting can be set at the Fellowship or elsewhere, or by phone if that is preferable. Contact HUUF Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, to coordinate an appointment.
- HUUF monthly Newsletter: The Summer edition (July/August) has posted to the website. Take a look! Access it it Here
A note about Rev. Farriday’s sermon recordings:
Recordings of the sermons Rev. Farriday offered at HUUF are no longer available to the general public via HUUF’s website. Yet recipients of the Weekly can still access those via this link: through 6/30/23
This limited access is because the HUUF Board supports both Rev. Farriday’s desire for online privacy, and the UUA and UU Ministers Association position that ministers’ sermons are their intellectual property. Hence Rev. Farriday asked that his sermons remain accessible to HUUF members and friends for a year, but not be publicly available.
Friends of the Dunes 27th Annual Sand Sculpture Festival!
Saturday, July 9th 2022
11 am to 5 pm
Humboldt Coastal Nature Center Beach
(best time for viewing completed sculptures is 2-5p)
Find out more here:
OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:00 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.
DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday on vacation during the month of July
TECH – Anna Bressers, available by email