- HUUF Leadership Opportunities
- Lifespan Religious Exploration
- Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements
- Climate Action Campaign
- Caring Connection
- Fellowship Happenings
- Community Bulletin
- Staff Office Hours
HUUF Leadership Opportunities
Join the HUUF Leadership Team
Three board opportunities are currently available for service starting in September.
HUUF’s Board will be an integral part of our transition and growth.
This is an amazing opportunity for HUUF members to help guide our beloved organization while upholding the values that we represent.
Collaborating and learning while deepening Fellowship relationships is a spiritual practice.

Lifespan Religious Exploration
Sunday, September 4 – The Play’s the Thing:

Maria Montessori wrote famously that, “Play is the work of the child“.
In a product-driven culture such as ours, too often, we adults are taught to prioritize only those labors that culminate in a paycheck, outward goal met, or some other tangible, commodified outcome. But where, in our work-driven society, do we set aside time and space for the element of PLAY?
In this All Ages service, Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration, Amy Day, will move us through a multi-faceted experience designed to re-orient us to the value and impact of play, curiosity, and delight, and invite us to create space for these life-affirming qualities and practices inside our world once more. Join us!
Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements
Inspiring Books
Sunday, August 28th
11 am at HUUFWorship Leaders: Debi Cooper and Laura Phelan-ShahinDebi and Laura will lead a discussion about the books that have inspired us this year. Please bring a book with a passage picked out that has inspired you. We will take turns listening and sharing as a congregation.
Join us in person (no prior sign up needed)
OR… Join us on ZOOM
The Future of Worship and You
Were you unable to attend any or all of the Sunday series of three discussions on the future of worship? Have you had further thoughts on the questions? It’s not too late to share your feedback.
The Program and Worship Committee invites you to follow the link below to give your input!
(This link is also available on the HUUF website and in the newsletter)
The portal will be open through September 10 for your responses to the questions.
The Program & Worship Committee will report on the results in the October newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you as we shape the future of the Fellowship’s Worship.
The Ministry of Welcoming
We are happy to again be able to safely and regularly meet in person. As with most good things, it “takes a village” to do it well. As our Program & Worship team continues to craft meaningful and heartfelt sacred experiences for us to enjoy, we ask that those of you who can – please, sign up to help with some of the nuts-and-bolts of Sundays.
You can help us create an easeful and welcoming atmosphere by signing up for one or more of the following….
Pre-Service Greeter (2) ___________________ Sign Up HERE
Pre-Service Chair/Canopy Set up (3) ________ Sign Up HERE
Coffee Set Up (2) ________________________ Sign Up HERE
Post -Service Cup Washers(2) _____________ Sign Up HERE
Bring Flowers __________________________ Sign Up HERE
Engage with Yoga at HUUF!
 Continuing on Monday’s from 5:30-6:30 pm join instructor Jamie Kessloff on the Memorial Garden lawn at HUUF, for Toning Our Temple, an outdoor yoga class for all levels.
* Accessible for all bodies.
(Those who may need to do the practice from a chair can modify )
(join Jamie on the mat 8/29, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26 and 10/3 – there will be no class on 9/5)

Youth Yoga
Beginning Monday, August 29, 5:30-6:30 pm our Childcare Coordinator, Jessalyn DeLucchi, whose background is in children’s movement and mindfulness, will be offering yoga for our youngsters – (This class takes place separately from Toning your Temple)
Donations will be gladly accepted for this open 6-week series.
But no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Contact Amy for more info.

HUUF’s Climate Action Campaign’s
Action of the Month for September:
Vote Forward is an established organization that has proven its ability to mobilize voters. Utilized by numerous well-known political action groups, including “UU the Vote”, Vote Forward aims to make effective letter writing activism easy by providing names, addresses, letter templates for each individual voter.At, you can choose from social or political campaigns that target voters in historically underrepresented groups, who live in states with recent histories of voter suppression or that live in swing districts or states.
Our ability to grapple with all the crises threatening this country—including climate change—hinges on saving our democracy. The best way for us to pitch in is to help GET OUT THE VOTE! for the November midterms.
* Read the CAC’s full article, written by Margy Emerson, in the HUUF Monthly Newsletter A larger version of the the sample letter can be seen in there .
Caring Connection
Celebrating the Life of Ursula Osborne 
~ You are invited ~
Join Family, Friends and fellow HUUF Members
2 P.M. Saturday, August 27th
at the Fellowship
We will celebrate Beloved member, Ursula Osborne.
The service will be followed by the sharing of light refreshments as we share memories and remember Ursula
- HUUF’s September Newsletter has posted to the website!: View it HERE
- Pet sitter Wanted for Thanksgiving Week: Allison and Bob Bronkall are looking for a pet sitter to live at their house in Eureka from November 21 through 25, taking care of their small active dog, three indoor birds, flock of chickens and an outdoor cat. Besides pay, the added bonus is the beautiful setting in which wildlife viewing abounds! Please call 707-268-8767 or
- In Memory of Thea Gast! – I Block Party 2022: Join the fun and festivities 12-6PM on Monday, September 5th – Free admission, Live Music, Raffle, Silent Auction, BBQ & Local Brews See the full flyer below in the Community Bulletin section of the Weekly.
- Blosser Family Still in Need: Do you have a place you’re willing to rent (even a camper or the like on your property)? Do you have a car you’re looking to part with and willing to take payments on? Know of any cleaner/janitor/custodian jobs or landscaping/yard work jobs? Please reach out to Marshal Blosser if you can help:
Bayside Corners invites you to join the Bayside Bazaar & Community Yard Sale
Saturday August 27!
OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:00 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.
DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday on vacation during the month of July
TECH – Anna Bressers, available by email