~ A Call to Connection ~
- From the HUUF BOT
- Religious Exploration Corner
- Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
- Climate Action Campaign
- Caring Connection
- Fellowship Happenings
- UUA Offering
- Staff Office Hours
News From the HUUF Board of Trustees
- We are pleased to announce the official hire of our new Technical Coordinator, Anna Bressers. Welcome Anna! Please see the full announcement HERE
- The Board of Trustees meets again on Tuesday April 12 At 7PM – All are welcome to attend – See the draft agenda HERE
- Report to the HUUF Membership on the HUUF Ministry Survey: Access the full report including extended comments HERE
Playscape Planting Party!
Saturday April 9th 10 am to 2 pm
![]( We have lots of plants ready for their new home on the Playscape berm! Please come help them establish residence. Lots need to happen to be ready for the May 1st dedication of our Nature-based Playscape. Be a part of building this lasting legacy. Great companionship. Coffee, fruit and bagels will be served. Although RSVP not required., if you let Berti know your tentative plans, she can plan accordingly. If you need childcare, please contact Amy Day ASAP.
Berti Welty – 707 476-0654,
Drop-In Friendly In-Person Soul Matters Saturday,
April 9, 2-3:30 @ HUUF
This month, we’ll be exploring the theme of “AWAKENING”, with group facilitation from Amy Day. Please, RSVP in the form below if you would like to participate! Childcare is available. Just let us know so we can plan!
Responding to the Aesthetic Call: Awakening the Artist Within
Join Pat McCutcheon & Laura Phelan-Shahin
Sunday, April 10th at 11 am.
![]( In this interactive hybrid service, Fellowship members Laura Phelan-Shahin and Pat McCutcheon will lead an exploration of “the aesthetic call.” Is there an artist within everyone? Is this something that everyone can awaken to? This service will break down the myth that art is only something that a few talented humans can do, explore how all are artists, and begin to find an infinite number of ways to express that “there is more, open that door.” This subject will be explored creatively through music and poetry.
*This service will be offered both in person and on Zoom
Reserve your in person seat HERE
OR –Join us on Zoom
Easter: Forgiveness as Resurrection
Join Bonnie MacGregor, Debi Cooper, JoAnn Huffman & Rev. Peter Farriday
Sunday, April 17th at 11 am.
![]( The traditional Christian story says God sent Jesus to be sacrificed as the price of forgiving humanity’s sins; and his Easter resurrection completes the mission by granting believers everlasting life. But Unitarian Universalism professes universal salvation – that all souls are ultimately reconciled to the Divine. Theological conjectures aside, earthly forgiveness is so essential to people’s well-being that, figuratively speaking, it can resurrect the dead and renew life. Come explore the central spiritual topic of forgiveness in a way that benefits ourselves and others in the here and now
*This service will be offered in person & on Zoom
Reserve your in person seat HERE or Join us on Zoom
Open Soul Matters Sharing Circle on Zoom![](
Join Rev. Peter Farriday on Zoom, Wednesday April 13, from 7-8pm for the next drop-in Soul Matters group. The theme explored this month is Awakening
Room to Write will be on Hiatus next week for Spring Break
(no sessions on 4/11 or 4/15)
Join Amy Day starting back on April 18th,weekly, Mondays & Fridays at 11am on Zoom for a hosted co-writing space. Dedicate more time to the craft and practice of putting words on the page! We begin each zoom with a brief check-in, then mute ourselves and work for 75 minutes or so on our individual projects. We come back together to complete the session with a brief check-out. Please note: At present, this is NOT a critique group, simply a co-working space, so please don’t bring writing you want to have read aloud and receive feedback on. Bring whatever tools (laptop or journal) you need to write.
CAC Monthly Meeting ~ SUNDAY, April 10
All are welcome to join our monthly meeting
April 10, 1PM on Zoom
Thanks to Pat Car for arranging to have David Loya, the Director of City Development for Arcata, to meet with us for a brief overview of the Gateway Plan. This will be a nice opportunity to hear David Loya speak and ask questions in a smaller and more intimate format. The Gateway Plan (GP) seeks to develop housing for up to 3,000 new residents who are expected in the coming years due to increased Cal Poly Humboldt enrollment, climate refugees, and tele-workers. The plan considers the climate crisis, the global existential issue of our time, along with the need for increased, reasonably priced, housing in Arcata for low to moderate income families. He will describe how the GP will address the construction, infrastructure, and transportation issues of this project.
Here is the link to: READ THE GATEWAY PLAN
*Also, on the CAC April agenda will be CAC member, Bruce Maxwell, who will speak about the Pedal Power Bicycle Fest that will occur in May in Eureka at the Jefferson Center.
PLASTIC POLLUTION: More Serious Than You Think — What YOU Can Do
![]( CAC and Zero Waste Humboldt (ZWH) are jointly sponsoring this ZOOM presentation by Maggie Gainer on Wednesday, April 13, 7 pm – 8 pm. Maggie Gainer, co-founder of ZWH and a nationally recognized environmental consultant and trainer, has had many years of experience with issues of waste management. In this webinar, we will learn about the harsh reality of plastic pollution in 2022, and how we can actively fight against it.
In preparation for Maggie Gainer’s webinar presentation. Maggie recommends that we view PLASTIC WARS at
54 minutes (released March 2020). This PBS Frontline documentary reports the results of NPR journalist-researchers investigations on the fight against plastic pollution. About the film, Maggie says that it is eye-opening for most people who believed all the recycling hoopla.
~ Thank you Tracy Jordan French for organizing this presentation.
A Special film screening Party – Zoom style!
Everyone is invited to our film screening party of Youth vs Gov on Friday, April 15 at 7 pm on Zoom. BYOB and P (bottle and popcorn). This climate justice film is a documentary about the Juliana v. The United States of America constitutional lawsuit filed by 21 American youth against the U.S. government for willfully creating the climate crisis, thus endangering the constitutional rights of our youth to life, liberty, and property.
The 21 youth represent the diversity of American youth (ages, ethnicities, genders, and US states). The free screening is made available to us from Interfaith Power and Light, a national faith-based climate activist group of which the Climate Action Campaign is a member. Following the film, there will be time for a short discussion.
Update on Thea Gast: Thea continues her stay at St. Joes Hospital. She has double pneumonia. The last round of antibiotics were not fully effective. She is not taking visitors or phone calls at this time as she continues to rest and heal, but welcomes cards sent to her home – the cards are being picked up and brought to her. She has a small circle of family and close friends that are checking in and tending to all that needs tending to.
Love and light to Thea!
Celebrate the Life of Marianne Pennekamp
We will gather together
Saturday, May 14th ~ 2-4 pm at HUUF
to honor the life of our beloved friend
This will be a Limited Seating Service with a Strawberry Shortcake Reception. Look for a sign up sheet in the weeks to come .
~ Save the Date ~
Fellowship Happenings
- Spring Cleaning Give Away! Cena Marino has many useful items: lamps and lighting, single size mattress, a hide-a-bed loveseat plus other vintage and utilitarian goodies. All free for the taking! Contact Cena by phone or text at 707-616-3906 to view items or collect your treasures!
- Playscape Planting Work Party: Thanks to the dedicated leadership of our beloved Berti Welty and many the helping hands volunteers within and outside of HUUF/RE, our ever evolving natural playscape is nearing completion! On Saturday April 9, there will be a playscape planting party- If you’re interested in lending a hand, please contact Berti to find out more.
- Acknowledging the Power of Words: Congratulations and Thank You to Pat McCutcheon (Kiev, 2022) and Pat Carr (Impact) for their powerful poems published in two consecutive issues of the North Coast Journal on March 10 and 17 that express the soul wrenching horrors, sadness, and despair over the war in the Ukraine.
Zoom links for all services are accessible on our website or HERE)
UU@UN Intergenerational Spring Seminar
April 22 – May 1, 2022 | Hosted by the UUA Office at the United Nations
Cosponsors: UU Ministry for Earth, UUSC, Side With Love
The 2022 Intergenerational Spring Seminar will take place online April 22 – May 1. Addressing the theme “Displacement and Human Rights: All In for Climate Justice,” this event aims to instill in UU youth and adults a commitment to global engagement and the skills to take action locally for climate and migration justice. The cost to register is on a sliding scale. Registration is open through Sunday, April 10.
Seminar Details & Registration
Keynote: Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change
We are very excited to announce that the keynote at the 2022 Intergenerational Spring Seminar will be presented by the youth-led organization Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change! Registered participants can tune in for this fantastic presentation on Saturday, April 23 at 1pm Eastern.
2022 Keynote
Earth Day Celebration Worship Service
Friday, April 22, 2022 | 9am Pacific
Join in community to kick off Spring Seminar on Earth Day with a special worship service offered by UU Ministry for Earth! This event is open to the public, and launches 10 days of engagement with the theme “Displacement & Human Rights: All In for Climate Justice” as part of Spring for Change “Get Rooted, Get Ready!” and the 2022 Intergenerational Seminar.
Earth Day Service
OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:30 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.
DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday
TECH – Scarlett Tripsmith, available by email
MINISTER – Peter Farriday, : Open hours on campus: Tuesdays from 11am – 1pm and Wednesdays from 1:30 – 4:30.
General availability: 11:30am – 6pm M-F when he doesn’t speak that coming Sunday; or M-Th 11:30am – 6pm on weeks he does.