Summer Con 2021YRUUP

Summer Con & COVID-19

Summer Con is from August 13th to 15th! We are so excited to be able to finally plan and host an event again, now that we have adequate safety procedures against COVID-19. The safety of the YRUUP community is always Council’s number one concern, and so this decision was not taken lightly. We had to consider multiple factors, and we wanted to explain our thought process behind what precautions we will be taking!

  • Vaccinations

All attendees must be fully vaccinated. This means everyone must have received their second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or their first/only dose of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine by July 29th. In California, we are very lucky to have easy access to vaccines for COVID-19! According to the CDC, the Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective, the Moderna vaccine is 94.1% effective, and the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is 66.3% effective. While you can still contract and spread covid with any of the vaccines, the likelihood is much lower. If you do contract it while vaccinated, you will most likely experience decreased symptoms or none at all.

  • Covid testing

Prior to attending Summer con, all attendees must show proof of a negative covid test. Attendees may start getting covid tested no earlier than August 4th. They must send us their results by August 11th. After the event, all attendees are mandated to get another COVID-19 test and send in their results. Rapid tests will NOT be accepted. If you need help finding a location to get tested, refer to the helpful resources section. If anyone is positive, this will allow us to respond to protect our community and all of our loved ones. This is an integral part of returning to in-person events safely while still honouring our culture of consent, so violations will be taken seriously.

  • Registration

Registration will be changing slightly to adjust with our new safety process. Registration closes on August 4th, there will be no late registration. We will still have our early-bird discount through July 9th. Knowing how many attendees we will have is essential to hosting in-person events, so please register early!

  • Masks and social distancing

All of our attendees will be fully vaccinated and must have recently tested negative for COVID-19, so masks and social distancing will not be required. We encourage everyone to do what makes them feel safe, so if you feel safer wearing a mask you may of course do so. Due to space limitations, 6-feet social distancing may be unrealistic. If that will make you feel unsafe, you should consider whether or not you want to attend this event.

  • Wink

Council has not had sufficient time to discuss whether we will play wink at this event. A decision will be made by our next council meeting on July 11th.

  • Helpful resources