~ A Call to Connection ~
- NEW! Sunday Service Announcement
- Religious Exploration Corner
- Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
- Climate Action Campaign
- Caring Connection
- News from the BoT
- Fellowship Happenings
- Staff Office Hours
HUUF Sunday Services
Sunday Services are expected to open up to offering in-person reserved seating on Sunday March 20th (this in person opportunity will shift if there is a sudden spike in Covid cases)
We will continue our hybrid format by also offering Zoom participation.
Sign up for March 20th seating HERE
Register now! Registration closes April 3.
This Seminar aims to instill in Unitarian Universalist youth and adults a commitment to global engagement and the skills to take action locally to address global issues.
Financial aid for registration fees available from the Climate Action Campaign.
Contact Sue Lee Mossman.
It Matters What We Believe
Join Rev. Peter Farriday & Rev. Tom Lewis
Sunday, March 6th at 11 am.
Unitarian Universalism is one island of religious tolerance in what at times seems like a sea of religiously motivated bigotry. It begins with blessing, not sin, and inspires people to grow into their fullest potential, not threaten or shame them into conformity or the denial of their authentic personhood. This is sacred work because, as Sophia Lyon Fahs wrote, “It matters what we believe.”
This service will be offered on Zoom only
Join us on Zoom
The Golden Rule Peace Ship
Join Stephen Sottong & guest speaker Helen Jaccard
Sunday, March 13th at 11 am.
 Today’s service relates to one of the guiding principles of Unitarian Universalism: “The goal of a world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.” This is also the mission of a small sailing ship named the Golden Rule. In the 1950s its crew tried to protest nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands. Decades later the ship was found sunken in Humboldt Bay, and the local Veterans for Peace organization restored it. While its home port is Humboldt Bay, it now sails internationally, promoting peace wherever it goes.Helen Jaccard, project manager for the Golden Rule, will talk about the ship’s mission and why the many volunteers are called to be involved. Stephen Sottong, a member of the local Veterans for Peace movement, will be the worship leader.
This service will be offered on Zoom only
Join us on Zoom
The Divine Feminine
Join Bonnie MacGregor & Rev. Peter Farriday
Sunday, March 20th at 11 am.
Symbols of the Divine Mother or the Divine Feminine – the archetypal Source of Life and its energies of fertility, creative nurturance, and interdependence, among others – have appeared in most, if not all, cultures and eras. Honoring both the dawn of the fertile season of spring as well as Women’s History Month, we will explore the Divine Feminine’s ancient wisdom and modern ideas about reclaiming its restorative energies for today.
This service marks the return to our hybrid format
Sign up for in person seating HERE
-or- Join us on Zoom
Open Soul Matters Groups
All are welcome to engage with our
Soul Matters Sharing Circles
Join Rev. Farriday on Zoom, Wednesday March 9at 7pm
or Join Alison O’Dowd in person at the Fellowship on Saturday March 12 at 2pm
this month’s theme: Renewing Faith
Creativity with Laura Phelan-Shahin MA, LMFT
On the third Friday of each month, 7-8:30 pm, via Zoom, Laura hosts an open (to all!) circle which can include a guided meditation or somatic check-in. Through prompts, multiple mediums, and gentle guidance, participants are invited to explore process over product, and to use this playful and generative time as a way to access their own inner wisdom and guidance.
We invite adults and older-age children to come join us in this healing and connective space.
Room to Write
This online co-writing cohort has moved to Monday and Friday ONLY 11-12:30 via Zoom. No more Wednesday sessions!

Join Amy Day, weekly on Mondays and Fridays at 11am on Zoom for a hosted co-writing space. For those who want to dedicate more time to the craft and practice of putting words on the page. We’ll do a (very brief) check-in, then mute ourselves and work for 75 minutes or so on our individual projects, then come back together at the end for a brief check-out. Please note: At present, this is NOT a critique group, simply a co-working space, so please don’t bring writing you want to have read aloud and receive feedback on. Do bring whatever tools (laptop or journal) you need to write.
CAC Meeting cancelled this month
Normally the HUUF Climate Action Committee meets on the second Sunday of each month. This month however, our All Congregation Meeting also happens on the second Sunday. Due to the scheduling conflict CAC will not meet on Sunday March 13.
Instead, please join CAC and other HUUF members 
THIS SUNDAY March 6th at 1:00pm for the first Peace Rally in almost 2 decades (with the exception of vigils )
We begin at 1pm by gathering at the County Courthouse in Eureka ~ Culminating in a March to Huffman’s office on Third Street (short).
Please bring signs, songs, flags, speeches, leaflets and anything else useful or persuasive.
Public Banks for Community Action
On Monday, March 7, at 7 pm, CAC is co-sponsoring with 350 Humboldt a talk by David Cobb who will describe how public banks function to keep our tax dollars working locally to meet community needs. Examples include backing climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and financing housing weatherization in disadvantaged communities. In addition, he will highlight provisions of AB 857, the Public Banking Act of 2019. The law provides a pathway for cities, counties, and joint powers authorities to start public banks.
David is the Humboldt County and North Coast Regional Director of The California Public Banking Alliance. He is also the Director of Cooperation Humboldt and the 2004 Green Party candidate for President.
Register for this free event:

On March 2nd, the CAC and other co-sponsors hosted an enlightening and engaging presentation about Food Waste Reduction. This conversation was recorded. You can view the discussion with Maggie Gainer and others on the HUUF youtube channel here: . |
Ursula Osborne, beloved longtime HUUF member, passed away peacefully Monday evening, February 28, 2022.
Her ashes will be scattered at the Blue Lake Cemetery.
From an article written by Henry Faust, February 2016, Hertha Elisabeth Solmitz née Goldschmidt and Robert Mortiz Solmitz Archive, Ursula reflected on her own life:
“I’m at a place where I’m grateful I had a life and saw what I saw and learned what I learned.”

She will be missed.
NEWS From the Board of Trustees
- HUUF Board Meeting: Tuesday March 8, at 7pm on Zoom see the agenda HERE
- HUUF Annual Congregational Meeting: March 13, Immediately after Sunday Service, on Zoom – read the details HERE
- HUUF Receives a 100,000 Gift from Betty Prange in honor of her parents read about it HERE
- HUUF Administrator, Bridgette Garuti is on leave for the next two weeks…Returning on Monday March 21.
- The WEEKLY: The HUUF Weekly missive will be on hiatus for the next 2 weeks while the Administrator is out of the office. This edition should cover most of the key happenings and links needed to carry you through till the Weekly returns on 3/25 — so save it in your inbox!
- Looking for Some Muscle!: Dear HUUF members, your aging Grounds Committee could use some help on Saturday, March 12, 10 am to 1 pm. We have extra sifters, wheelbarrows and a tamper, and hope to finish sifting soil from the walkway spoils. We’ll add compost and fill in the sides of the new walkway with it to eliminate a drop-off. We’ll follow that with seeding, cover with straw, and pray that Mother Nature will supply the water! Come for an hour if that’s all you have, we’ll be grateful. If you know you can come, let us know: Many thanks, Your Grounds Committee
- Sunday March 13 – Congregational Meeting: Mark your calendars and plan to attend the next All Congregation Meeting scheduled for directly after Service, on Zoom, March 13 .
- Moving On: HUUF member Susie Huestis is moving out of Humboldt within the next few months. We will miss you Susie! Wishing you the best on your new journey.
- There’s nothing like a word of mouth recommendation!: HUUF is still on the hunt for an adequate Technical Coordinator to replace our beloved Scarlett. We are truly blessed that the multi talented Scarlett has agreed to keep on keeping on until we find a new hire.. The trouble is we are not getting many (any) applicants- Yikes! If YOU know of anyone who might be interested in joining the HUUF team. Please let us know. The full job description is on our website under the “employment” tab
Donations Gratefully Accepted: ~ Many thanks.
- We are continuing to “pass the collection plate” for Scarlett’s final send off. Our Beloved Scarlett has continued to grace us with her talents as HUUF keeps searching for a capable Tech replacement. She is leaving us soon and is looking to move to the East Bay. Moving is a big expense! Any gifts you are moved to give are appreciated. There is a collection jar in the HUUF office, you can stop in, you can send a check or donate on Venmo. (Donations can be made to HUUF with a notation in the memo line: “For Scarlett”)
Zoom links for all services are accessible on our website or HERE)