Services 11-20
Sunday Services
Sunday, November 1 – 11 a.m. – Día de los muertos – Lezley Troxell
Día de los muertos is a distinctly Mexican holiday. What does it mean when people who do not belong to Mexican culture appropriate this holiday? Tracy López, for Latinaish, defines cultural appropriation as the “‘borrowing’ of one culture by another culture, particularly when elements of a minority culture are used by a majority culture.”
How do we honor the celebration and ceremony of another culture without adopting it as our own? How do we create a meaningful altar that celebrates our ancestors with respect for another’s culture? These are the subjects Lezley Troxell will delve into during this service.
Sunday, November 8 – 11 a.m. – Reviving Beloved Community – Suzanne Kimmel, Tom Lewis, Shawn Nichols and Todd Hoberecht
As we move forward inside this tumultuous year, it becomes imperative that we craft new, concrete ways to care for one another. How do we hold up hope, maintain connection, and foster our sense of belonging, even as the world continues to fall into disarray around us?
On this post-election Sunday, come join members of our Pastoral Care Team as they talk about what it means to minister to and help each other heal at this time. As they discuss how we can fortify beloved community so we can “be the change we want to see in the world.”
Sunday, November 15 – 11 a.m. – Healing with Playful Hearts, Creative Minds and Fun Spirits – Luz Love and Scarlett Trippsmith
Come play and join this joyful extravaganza via Zoom. Bring your playful hearts, creative minds and fun spirits to uplift us in these tumultuous times. All ages are welcome.
Sunday, November 22 – 11 a.m. – Garden of the Heart – Amy Day
It has been said that, “how we do one thing is how we do everything.” What if the same tools and ideas that make for a sustainable garden could provide us with tangible steps for living through these difficult times? What if we could approach our life’s callings with the same curiosity and rigor we bring to just digging in the dirt? Together we will look at principles of permaculture and see what they have to say to us – both as lovers of the Earth, and as cultivators of truth, beauty and justice in the larger world.
Sunday, November 29 – 11 a.m. – Gratitude for Indigenous People – Luz Love and Pat McCutcheon
In this season of Thanksgiving, it is important to remember that giving back generates gratitude. Having a welcome, open heart promotes generosity. In this service, facilitated by Fellowship members Lucera Love and Pat McCutcheon, gratitude and acknowledgement of the indigenous people of this land will be offered up. The themes of gratitude, reciprocity and an open heart will be explored in small groups.