Services 7-20
Sunday Services
Sunday, July 15 – 11 a.m. – Rebirth of Our Nation, with Dignity, Equity and Justice for All – Suzanne Kimmel, Amy Day and Bonnie MacGregor
Our founding documents speak eloquently about the vision held at the birth of this nation – a vision we have never managed to live into, yet have always upheld. Now, amid COVID-19 and racism pandemics, economic and ecologic collapse, and political tyranny, we face some of the greatest challenges ever to the democratic ideal of a country with liberty and justice for all.
In this service we will look at how our UU principles reflect on the ideals on which our nation was founded. We’ll explore how they can guide the way to a rebirth and reinvention of that vision of a nation where we embody the beloved community we aspire to as a just and liberated country worthy of celebrating.
Sunday, July 12 – 11 a.m. – Rooted, Inspired and Ready Review 2020 – Montana Caouette
This service will celebrate the theme of the 2020 Unitarian Universalist Association’s virtual General Assembly. Its message is: “We are in touch with our theological roots, we are engaged in transforming our faith, and we are fired up to take action in the wider world.” Join HUUF delegate Montana Caouette and other Fellowship attendees as they share their take-away from the dozens of workshops, business meetings and virtual events, including “UU the Vote.”
July 19 – 11 a.m. – Ecology as Theology – Rev. Michael Dowd
An “eco-theo” big picture – i.e., a meaningful “dark green” interpretation of evolution and human history – is vital for understanding these contracting and confusing times. Such an evidence-based “sacred realism” or “religious naturalism” can help us accept what is inevitable, avoid what is futile, and be a blessing to friends, family and community in an uncertain world. Bestselling eco-theologian the Rev. Michael Dowd will offer a “hope beyond hope” grounded in knowledge and trust rather than beliefs and wishful thinking.
Sunday, July 26 – 11 a.m. – Expensive Legalities – Dr. Lydia Zepeda
Dr. Zepeda will talk about how our current legal system is arranged to damage both American citizens and immigrants and how much this cost all of us as we go forward with this arrangement. Her article on this subject was recently published in California Western Law Review and is titled, “The Cost of U.S. Immigration Policies.”