Services 8-24
Sunday Services
Sunday, August 4, 11:00 a.m. – Pluralism: How Do We Honor Our Diversity AND Have Common Ground? – Berti Welty
Printed on some of our country’s currency is the motto “E Pluribus Unum” —meaning “Out of Many, One.” This Sunday we will explore the concept of Pluralism. We celebrate that while we UUs have differing beliefs, backgrounds, and ideologies, a common purpose, shared principles for living, and shared values hold us together in the midst of that diversity. There will be a small group discussion of these issues.
Sunday, August 11, 11:00 a.m. – Sharing Favorite Books – Jo Ann Huffman, Steve Sottong, and Margy Emerson
At this celebration of reading, members and friends are invited to talk about the books that have had the most meaning for them over the last year. Jo Ann Huffman and Steve Sottong will facilitate the sharing and gather the recommended books into a reading list that will be published in the HUUF Newsletter, for all to feast on.
Sunday, August 18, 11:00 a.m. – Life is Transformation – Josh Charles
Come and explore the ways in which transformation plays out in our lives. Bring a book, a personal story, a poem, song, trinket, or something else that you connect with when you look at the role transformation plays in your life. Together we will build a shared understanding of what it means to value transformation.
Sunday, August 25, 11:00 a.m. – Interdependence as a Core Value – Ann Kilby
An interactive, joyful exploration of the dynamic that animates our universe and constantly surprises us.