
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality,” Lewis Carroll once said. So, come with us on a journey of imagination. Bypassing, for a moment, the limited confines of the rational mind, we can allow ourselves to consider and even dream about what is possible, not only as mere, isolated individuals, but as a collective, an assemblage of pulsating Imaginal Cells – a whole – in the days and year to come.



Sunday, January 3rd – 11 a.m. 

Gathering Music ~ Gigue en Rondeau” by Rameau …..….. Annette Gurnee Hull 

Welcome and Service Orientation………………………………. Scarlett Trippsmith

Chalice Lighting and Aspiration………………………………………… Lezley Troxell

A Moment for All Ages: …………………..……… “My Imagination” – with Lea Morris

Hymn “Everything Possible” by Rev. Fred Small, sung by the Boston Gay Men’s Chorus

Joys and Sorrows, Moment of Silence……………………………………… Amy Day

Video: …………………………………………………………………… “Imaginal Cells”

IMAGINATION………………..……………………………………..………….. Amy Day

Breakout Rooms & Discussion Period…………………………………….. “What is It?

Offertory ~ “Le Rappel des Oiseaux” by Rameau ……………. Annette Gurnee Hull 

Closing Song “Imagine”…………………………… … Bob Billstrom & Maggie Moore

Extinguishing the Chalice…………………………………..…………… Lezley Troxell

Go From Here in Peace. Go in Love.