Often in times of trouble we call out in hopes there is some “One” beyond us that might help. Then, crisis over, we go back to our everyday life never looking back. This pattern doesn’t work well in these days of constant crisis. Is there any One to call out to? Inspired by the Soul Matters topic “Cultivating Relationship,” Bonnie, Laura and other HUUF members will lead us up to the edge of that question: Is there a God/Ultimate Source/Higher Power? Can we cultivate a relationship with this Power/Spirit? What can this look like?
Laura Phelan-Shahin, the mother of two young children, is a marriage and family therapist for whom cultivating and healing relationships is her life work. Bonnie MacGregor is a lifelong spiritual explorer and practitioner close to the end of her life span. This exploration matters greatly to them both.
Spirit of Life
Oct. 17th, 2021 @11am
Gathering Music: “To the Rising Sun, Op. 4 #1” by Torjussen ~ Annette Gurnee Hull
Welcome, Acknowledgements, and Inviting the Bell ~ Bonnie MacGregor
Introduction, Chalice Lighting and Aspiration ~ Bonnie MacGregor
Hymn # 123 ~ Spirit of Life ~ Annette Gurnee Hull
Story for All Ages: “Old Turtle”~ Laura Phelan-Shahin
Sing out the Children ~ “Go Now In Peace” ~ Annette Gurnee Hull
Reflection on Cultivating Relationship with the Divine ~ Laura Phelan-Shahin
Joys & Concerns ~ Laura Phelan-Shahin
Moment of Silence
Reflection on Cultivating Relationship with the Divine ~ Montana Caouette
Offertory: “Vision, Op. 3 #4” by Torjussen ~ Annette Gurnee Hull
Reflection on Cultivating Relationship with the Divine ~ Bonnie MacGregor
Extinguishing the Chalice & Benediction ~ Bonnie MacGregor
Exiting song: “Go From Here in Peace, Go in Love”~ Annette Gurnee Hull