~ A Call to Connection ~
- HUUF Leadership Opportunities
- Lifespan Religious Exploration
- Services & Fellowship Engagements
- Climate Action Campaign
- Caring Connection
- Fellowship Happenings
- Community Bulletin
- Staff Office Hours
HUUF Leadership Opportunities
Join the HUUF Leadership Team!

Three board opportunities are currently available for service starting in September (we have extended our previous July timeframe)
HUUF’s Board will be an integral part of our transition and growth.
This is an amazing opportunity for HUUF members to help guide our beloved organization while upholding the values that we represent. Be the Change!
Collaborating and learning while deepening Fellowship relationships is a spiritual practice.
Please contact Sylvia Shaw for more information: 707-599-1563,
Training & Leadership Opportunity!!!
“develop shared practices in communication and leadership and a shared understanding of your board in congregational governance”
Topics covered will include…
*Inclusive & Effective meetings
*Healthy Communication Channels
*Shared Ministry
*Leveraging Change for Transformation
& more. This is a chance for anyone interested in leadership to equip themselves with greater knowledge and empowerment. Scholarships are available to those who are interested. Please, contact Bridgette or Amy for more information, or register via the links above.
Another Volunteer Opportunity
We are searching for a champion with the time, bandwidth, and/or experience to chair our new HR committee. 
If you would like to take on this role or take part in this wonderful opportunity please contact Cassie Brillbeck @
Lifespan Religious Exploration

Hello Beloved Community~
I am delighted to be back in your midst after taking the month of July to rest and rejuvenate with my family. My daughter spent buckets of time in the warm ocean. My partner and I got to revisit some of the beautiful and rugged places we once called home on the deeply-dear-to-us island of Hawaii. And we got the increasingly rare opportunity to slow down and take Life in at the pace of presence, savoring, sensation. Letting the days be guided from a place of moment-to-moment inquiry and awareness, rather than the agenda-driven, task-centric rhythm our larger culture so often demands of us.
I am deeply reminded of the essentialness of REST and PLEASURE and simply being in our humble, human bodies as we navigate the changes and challenges of this time we are in.
May we all be granted places and practices of Regeneration as we come together to be the change we want to see.
Aloha, Aho, Ashe. May it be so.
in grace & gratitude,
Amy Day (she/her)
Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration, HUUF
Our Annual All-Fellowship retreat down on the Mattole River has been Cancelled due to Covid Concerns
In lieu of gathering at the Mattole, we will now gather for a single day of
Sunday August 14th – 11am at HUUF
at the
Better Together
Potluck Picnic Retreat Event
Bring your favorite summertime potluck dish to share & Expect to engage in a day of fun activities.
We’ll have an All-Ages service at 11am, followed by food, games and entertaining surprises.
BEST OF ALL there is the opportunity to gather safely for some joyful, silly play while deepening relationships with one another.
We Hope You Can Make It !
YRUUP Summer Con in Redwood City
Fri, Aug 19 -Sun, Aug 21
Registration is open for YRUUP’s Summer Con!
Conferences are weekend-long events in which youth from all around the region can gather together to bond, discuss issues, and share their faith. YRUUP holds four standard conferences throughout the year (Summer Con, Fall Con, Elections Con, and Spirit Con). Each one of these events begins Friday night at 7pm and ends Sunday afternoon at 1pm. Because they believe strongly in youth empowerment, conferences are youth-planned and youth-led.
For more information, or to register, visit here:
Services & Fellowship Engagements
What is Ministry?
Sunday, August 7th at 11 am at HUUF
A panel discussion facilitated by Berti Welty

Berti will moderate a panel presentation about the various aspects of ministry. Shawn Nichols, Amy Day and Roy King will share their perspectives about what ministry actually is from both a spiritual and pragmatic perspective.
The questions to which they will respond are:
- With or without a minister, our congregation is a shared ministry congregation, What does this mean to you?
- How would YOU define ministry?
- What makes ministry ministry? Is it attitude, approach acts or ??
- What aspects of ministry most resonate with you?
Join us in person (no prior sign up needed)
Join us on ZOOM

HUUF Reflections Group
An open discussion group that offers a safe space for sharing while practicing deep listening. (discussion topics are chosen the previous week.)
Every Thursday 6:00-7:00 pm ON ZOOM
Summer 2022 Small Group Discussion Series:
We begin the greater exploration of who we want to become as a Fellowship in these times, and what we believe will inspire and nurture our spirits and hearts, with conversations about our worship experiences and what we seek from spiritual fellowship.
Incase You Missed It!
During the past month, inside of our normal worship hour, we’ve been examining our relationship to the Sacred and how we come together to celebrate, uplift and acknowledge It in our communal time together. If you haven’t gotten a chance to participate inside these small groups, but would like to share your feedback pertaining to how we “do Sundays”, here are the questions we pondered this past week:
- What spiritual experiences at HUUF are meaningful to you? Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize a time that has meant a lot to you here? Where were you? Who was around you? What did it look like? How did you feel? Why was this moment and other moments at HUUF important to you?
- What is missing? Are there any experiences you’ve had in other communities or things you’ve read about that you wish could be integrated into your experience here at HUUF?
- What would you like to try differently? If you could wave a magic wand (if there were no barriers or limits to your ideas ie no money or time issues) what would you want to see, try, or add to our community?
Feel free to share your responses to Bridgette or Amy via email. We’ll pass them gratefully along to the Program & Worship team.
Plan to join us for the third contemplative discussion
– Your input is of great value!
Sunday, August 21
 Again thinking with others, not just listening, the final discussion in our exploration of the Future of Worship asks what elements of worship are essential? And what innovations could we create together that would advance the Future of Worship?
Co-sponsored with 350 Humboldt
HUUF Climate Action Campaign Presents:
A Zoom Talk with
Schatz Founding Director Peter Lehman
Monday, August 15 at 7PM
The North Coast’s plan for zero-emission transportation
—what it is, what it will mean to the county, and how it paves the way for a clean, green transit and transportation future.
Peter Lehman is the founding director of the Schatz Energy Research Center. His research interests include green hydrogen and microgrids. He served as the lead faculty researcher for the Redwood Coast Airport Microgrid at the airport. In 2021 he was inducted into the California Energy Commission’s Clean Energy Hall of Fame in recognition of his lifetime of research advances in clean energy. He recently helped the Humboldt Transit Authority apply for and win a $38.7 million grant to fund a fleet of zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell electric buses to serve local routes and connect riders to Mendocino County and, ultimately, the San Francisco Bay Area. This project, including the Eureka Regional Transit and Housing Center (EaRTH Center), is the subject of his talk for the 350 Humboldt Speakers’ Series. There will be lots of time for questions and discussion.
Register HERE
Help our sweet and hardworking Tech Coordinator, Anna Bressers, and her family recover from Covid! During this past week+, Anna and her family have been visited by this challenging and mercurial virus. She’s continued to show up for this Beloved Community in all types of ways during this time, including providing tech support and guidance from her sick bed at home. Let’s show up for her!!
Please, sign up to bring a healthy & health-building meal for her, her partner and her daughter Luna, 6 while they recuperate this week. Or feel free to donate a little bit so they can order some nourishing takeout or replenish their pantry. Thanks for pitching in to support this lovely and devoted woman and her family!
If you’re tech-challenged or averse, feel free to call Bridgette at the office, Monday-Wednesday to request she add you to the sign up.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of our beloved member, Bill Hansell, on Saturday, July 23. Bill had been hospitalized less than a week at St. Joseph Hospital and had been rapidly declining in health. He passed away shortly after having dinner with son, Mark, and reminiscing with Mark about his parents.
A private celebration of life to honor Bill will be held by Bernie and their family in the Hansell’s lovely garden which had provided Bill and Bernie with much pleasure, satisfaction, and solace.
Bernie requests no phone calls, but cards are welcomed.
Our hearts and thoughts are with Bernie and their families.

Folks who remember Ina Harris are invited to a memorial celebration for Ina at 3327 Pine Street on Saturday, August 6th.There will be an open house from 1-4pm, with an opportunity for people to share their thoughts and memories at 2pm.
Please contact Ina’s daughter Leigh at to let her know if you plan to attend. You may also email Leigh a tribute or your memories of Ina so that they may be shared with others and so that you may request a digital copy of the collected remembrances.
Celebrating the Life of Ursula Osborne – SAVE THE DATE

Beloved member, Ursula Osborne, passed away this year on February 28.
Please join us on Saturday, August 27th
2 P.M. at the Fellowship
We will remember and celebrate her life.More information will be coming soon.
Access Ursula’s obituary HERE
- HUUF Board of Trustees Meeting: This month, the BOT will meet in person at HUUF on Wednesday August 10th at 7pm. All monthly Board Meetings are open. All are welcome to attend.
- Room for a Week: HUUF Member, Cassie Brilbeck and her son are looking for a room for one week in August. 8/18 -8/25. If you happen to have an extra space please give Cass call to discuss further: 707 530 3918
- Next Newsletter Deadline August 20: The HUUF monthly Newsletter staff have changed — Steve Sottong is moving onto other things after years of dedicated service producing HUUF’s newsletter. Thanks, Steve! Pat Carr will now edit the newsletter while JoAnn Huffman will design and produce it. But other things haven’t changed. The newsletter takes the month of August off and returns in September. If you have an article you’d like to run, or want to buy space for a classified ad, send your text to no later than August 20. Check out the submission guidelines at
- Pet sitter Wanted for Thanksgiving Week
Allison and Bob Bronkall are looking for a pet sitter to live at their house in Eureka from November 21 through 25, taking care of their small active dog, three indoor birds, flock of chickens and an outdoor cat. Besides pay, the added bonus is the beautiful setting in which wildlife viewing abounds! Please call 707-268-8767 or
- Got an RV to spare? A family in need, who is moving to the area from Newfoundland Canada, is looking for a place to land while they get established. The Blosser family will be arriving in the next week or two. Employment at the United Indian Health Services will begin immediately but they have not yet secured housing. They are looking for a camper or trailer (to rent) or any safe temporary option they might stay in while they work out their permanent housing needs. For more information please contact Marshall Blosser (The Blosser’s have attended HUUF Zoom services are excited to join our community once they arrive)
On August 6, 2022, visit the northwest corner of the Arcata Plaza during Farmers Market. From 9 a.m. until 1:30 or 2, artists of all ages and abilities will be designing and making lanterns to be floated on Klopp Lake that evening. The ceremony of music, poetry, and brief statements will begin at 7:30 p.m. As dusk falls, lanterns will be floated. Please join us in appreciating the beauty of lighted lanterns afloat on the water as we raise our hopes and our commitments to peace.
 If you are able to volunteer to help on August 6 anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and between 6 p.m. and sunset, please send a text message to Lynda at 707-498-0431.
Needs include:
~a driver with a passenger van to help shuttle folks between the parking area at Samoa & I Streets and Klopp Lake;
~people to help city employees set up tables and chairs on the Plaza at 8:30 a.m.;
~Plaza table assistants to aid in providing materials and guidelines to would-be lantern-makers;
~help with clean-up and placing lanterns in boxes for transport to Klopp Lake;
and at 6 p.m. and following: *help set up chairs, *assist in directing parking, *usher those who need assistance finding a seat and walking on uneven ground, *help place LED candles in lanterns and in the luminaria along the path, and *offer light from your flashlight and extend an arm to those returning to the shuttle vans after sunset.
OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:00 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.
DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday on vacation during the month of July
TECH – Anna Bressers, available by email
A note about Rev. Farriday’s sermon recordings:
Recordings of the sermons Rev. Farriday offered at HUUF are no longer available to the general public via HUUF’s website. Yet recipients of the Weekly can still access those via this link: through 6/30/23
This limited access is because the HUUF Board supports both Rev. Farriday’s desire for online privacy, and the UUA and UU Ministers Association position that ministers’ sermons are their intellectual property. Hence Rev. Farriday asked that his sermons remain accessible to HUUF members and friends for a year, but not be publicly available.