- HUUF Leadership Opportunities
- Lifespan Religious Exploration
- Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements
- Climate Action Campaign
- Caring Connection
- Fellowship Happenings
- Staff Office Hours
HUUF Leadership Opportunities
Join the HUUF Leadership Team
Three board opportunities are currently available for service starting in September.
HUUF’s Board will be an integral part of our transition and growth.
This is an amazing opportunity for HUUF members to help guide our beloved organization while upholding the values that we represent.
Collaborating and learning while deepening Fellowship relationships is a spiritual practice.
Lifespan Religious Exploration
Social Action Sunday: Coastal Clean-up Day
September 25, 10:00am
Coastal Cleanup Month is one of the largest cleanup events of the year. The Northcoast Environmental Center is Humboldt County’s coastal cleanup coordinator, and each year the organization inspires hundreds of volunteers to pick up thousands of pounds of trash. This month, we at HUUF will serve as a site host – joining community members from all around our region to participate in one of many cleanup efforts taking place every weekend of this month. You may join us from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Arcata Marsh, on South I Street for an opportunity to express our values in the larger world. Come for part or all of this important action. Cleanup supplies will be provided, but if you have any of your own gear (gloves, a clipboard, trash grabbers) that you would prefer to use, feel free to bring it. Find out more or sign-up at
Coming of Age Retreat Program
The Coming of Age Retreat Program’s mission is to provide retreat experiences for youth that will further the depth of the Coming of Age Programs at their respective congregations. The purpose of the retreats and of the Coming of Age Retreat Program is to help our youth integrate their childhood into their emerging adulthood, with a clear sense of themselves and their place in the Unitarian Universalist Church and in the world.
Retreats will help youth:
- Explore their own spirituality;
- Have a deeper understanding of Unitarian Universalism;
- Appreciate and continue the lifelong process of values and calcification;
- Recognize and accept responsibility for decision-making;
- Explore their options for service, both to their church and to the community;
- Deepen their relationship with other youth and adults;
- Come to a positive understanding of their personal capabilities and unique qualities;
- Test themselves against their own preconceived limits;
- Solidify their commitment to Unitarian Universalism.
Questions: Please contact Danielle Stubblefield @ for more information if your teen would like to get involved. If cost is a limiting factor, please reach out to Amy Day regarding partial scholarships.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) human sexuality education returns!
Bek Paez and Jodi Smith will be starting up an extended cohort for the 7th-9th grade age group beginning at the end of this month.
Parents’ Orientation will be Sept 27th, 6-7:30 pm.
Weekly sessions will take place on Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30 at HUUF plus 3 additional Saturday sessions.
Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements
Learning How to Live in this Transformative Time
Sunday, September 18th
11 am at HUUFwith Worship Leader: Bonnie Macgregor & guest speaker Lama Choyang
Transformation is a journey without a final destination
Lama Choyang will speak about change and the unknown. She will delve into how we relate to trust and transformation, how we meet this moment, ourselves, and our world – on the ground, moment by moment. We can tend our hearts and nourish our fierce commitment to care for the Earth and each other.
Lama Choyang is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher who worked as a hospice chaplain for five years with Hospice of Humboldt. She completed seven years of retreat under Lama Drimed Norbu’s guidance and was ordained by him in 2009. She teaches dharma, leads retreats, and offers grief counseling, grief workshops, and spiritual mentoring in Arcata and online.
Join us in person
The Ministry of Welcoming
You can help us create an easeful and welcoming atmosphere each Sunday by signing up for one or more of the following….
Pre-Service Greeter (2) ___________________ Sign Up HERE
Pre-Service Chair/Canopy Set up (3) ________ Sign Up HERE
Coffee Set Up (2) ________________________ Sign Up HERE
Post -Service Cup Washers(2) _____________ Sign Up HERE
Bring Flowers __________________________ Sign Up HERE
Yoga & Art at the Fellowship!
Mondays, 5:30-6:45 pm,
The best of all possible worlds coming together!
Both of these classes are lovingly sponsored by our Fellowship Engagement and RE programs. Donations welcome and gratefully accepted, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
3 Sessions left!- 9/19, 9/26 and 10/3
This week : guest Yoga instructor Peggy Profant!
Open group on Zoom
Tuesday September 201h, 7-8:30 pm
Join Amy Day for this open sharing circle
CAC invites everyone on September 23, 5 pm, to a “Fridays for the Future” climate rally on the Arcata Plaza with music, speakers and a march. We will be there to support the youth who are fighting for the climate around the world. This event is happening globally in conjunction with the organization started by Greta Thunberg.
The Climate Action Campaign will be there with our climate banner and placards. |
Caring Connection
Our deepest condolences to Beverly Morgan Lewis who is mourning the loss of her husband David. David Lewis passed away on Sunday, September 5. Beverly is embracing her personal and contemplative space to sit with this deep loss. She will reach out when she’s ready, if support is needed. Cards are welcome. No call please.
Sending Love and Light to Tracy Jordan French who is mourning the passing of her older sister Beth. Tracy is in Santa Rosa indefinitely while managing the estate details. Cards are welcome.
- All Congregation Meeting! THIS Sunday, September 18:As announced in the HUUF September Newsletter, we have an important congregational meeting coming up – However, the date of this meeting has shifted slightly. Plan to join the meeting on Sunday September 18 directly after Service at 12:30. Your attendance is a key component to supporting our consensus structure.
OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:00 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.
DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday on vacation during the month of July
TECH – Anna Bressers, available by email