- RE Corner
- Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
- Climate Action Campaign
- Virtual Green Sheet
- Community Bulletin Board

Please, mark your calendars!
RE has some important meetings coming up…
- Our first RE Committee Meeting of the 2021-22 school year! Please join us, in person, after the Sunday service, as we meet our new RE teaching staff, and take some steps to map out the goals and direction for our children & family programs for the year to come. If you are passionate about the spiritual support and nourishment of our youth, we invite you to join us and help shape the direction of this vital program. Sunday, September 5th @ 12:30 pm, outside the Care Building. (Childcare will be provided onsite. Please, let me know if you will be needing this.)
- Playscape Planning Meeting via Zoom. Please, join us Thursday, August 26th @ 6 pm, for this virtual discussion on the next steps and plans for our budding Nature-based Playscape project. We’ll be looking at the next critical pieces to tend to as we steward this vision toward completion.
Fellowship Engagement Opportunities (Zoom and in-Person!)
HUUF Hybrid Services
(in Person and on Zoom)
Sign ups are online for in-person HUUF Sundays.
Please, visit the links below to reserve a spot or plan to join us on Zoom
What Have You Read in the Past Year that Fed You?
(click to reserve an in person seat)
Join Us! –(in person)
Sunday, August 22 at 11 a.m.
Since we’ve had such an outstanding year, we hope that you all will bring a book that stands out for you in our progress through the interesting process of the pandemic. We will gather informally to hear about your finds. If you can summarize your book in five minutes, we’ll compile a nice, lengthy list for the year ahead.
Jo Ann Huffman has been a UU for more than 50 years and has been a member of HUUF for the last five years. She has worked as an aircraft designer, economist, rock and roll arranger, and a project manager. Stephen Sottong has been a computer programmer, electronic technician, electrical engineer, a librarian, and a writer. He’s not sure what he wants to do when he grows up. He’s been a member for 18 years.
A Space of One’s Own
(click to reserve an in person seat)
Join Us! (in person)
Sunday, August 29 at 11 a.m.
It has been said that everyone needs a space of one’s own for their mental health. This service will explore the many types of such spaces. These run the gamut between fancy “man caves” to a private space in one’s psyche. What elements are needed to meet this need? Anyone wishing to share about their special place is invited to contact Berti Welty for inclusion in the service. She can be reached at 476-0654 or
Meet our new minister!
 Please join Reverend Peter Farriday for this “meet and greet” engagement opportunity.
We have set up a selection of dates and times for the Fellowship community to join Rev. Farriday on Zoom for casual conversation, Q&A and sharing of hopes for the future.
* Honoring our current Covid restrictions these sessions will be on zoom so that we can remain unmasked.
* In an effort to keep the groups a reasonable size to support a sharing format, Pre-registration is required
* To sign up for these wonderful “getting to know you” Zoom sessions, please use the registration link below for your chosen date & time:
Small Group Ministry is a powerful tool we have within this congregation. A way to co-counsel and care for one another in an intimate, fun & deeply supportive monthly container of a committed group. Whether you are new to this work, or a seasoned participant who would like to join a group once more, we invite you to this online “Open House” event. We will meet, dive into the curriculum a bit together, and assemble ourselves into small, committed groups for the year to come. This event asks for pre-registration to attend. You can do so by going here:
Climate Action Campaign
A New Publication on Climate Stewardship
“As climate disruption intensifies the world over, Californians are finding solutions across a diversity of communities and landscapes.”

~ Virtual Green Sheet ~
- Reflections is back on Zoom: After a few brief in-person meetings, Reflections has decided to go back to Zoom meetings until the Delta variant levels out. Join them weekly on Thursdays at 6pm by clicking this link.
- COMING UP – Join Us: August 29 at 11:00 AM for next Sunday’s Service: *(Hybrid! Both in-person and on Zoom) A Space of One’s Own:— use this reservation link to reserve your seat. OR join each other on Zoom. Zoom links are accessible on our website or HERE
- All Fellowship Art show: Keep those creative juices flowing Beloveds! BUT, hang on to your art for now. The plan to hang the All Fellowship Art Show for September has been temporarily delayed. Our collective art will still be the first show of the season, however, due to the rise of the Delta variant we have decided to hold off a bit on hanging it. The good news is that if you are currently working on a new creative endeavor, your deadline for submission to this show has been extended. Keep going! Create with all the love and good intention you can muster. Put the finishing touches on and stay tuned for the new submission date.
Well, Hello Turkey!: While HUUF has not seen the frequent and vibrant gatherings of people during this pandemic time, this week we had some brand new visitors! A flock of curious turkeys roamed the property while Stasia Allen tended to the Azalea garden. Our Campus has such beauty and varied wildlife, but I’ve never seen turkey’s here before…They look ready to meet our new minister! (picture taken by Stasia Allen)
CLICK HERE to Submit Green Sheet Items
CRTP and our allies will be holding a memorial for people killed by cars in Humboldt County at 5:30 pm on Friday, August 27th, at the Humboldt County Courthouse. This is a public event, and we invite you to attend and pay your respects.
Thank you.
-Colin & the CRTP Team