- Reflection
- RE Corner
- HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection
- HUUF Congregational Meeting
- HUUF Welcome Project for Rev. Farriday
- Virtual Green Sheet
- Community Bulletin
This week’s reflection
was sourced from the book “Becoming – A Spiritual Guide for Navigating Adulthood” By Kayla Parker.
~To the Beloved Community,
Go Boldly
By Jean M. Olson
May you be brave enough to expose
your aching woundedness
and reveal your vulnerability.
May you speak your deepest truths, knowing that they will change as you do.
May you sing the music within you,
composing your own melody,
playing your song with all your heart.
May you draw, paint, sculpt, and sew,
showing the world your vision.
May you write letters, poetry, biography,
slogans, graffiti, the great novel,
laying bare your words to love and hate.
May you love even though your heart
breaks again and again.
And until the end of your days,
may your life be filled
with possibilities and courage
Judy Rishel has done it again!

Provided us all with some colorful Treasure Boxes to collect things from our summer adventures to share when we gather once more.
Swing by the Fellowship and collect one of your choosing from our RE box out front.
Inside you’ll find fun prompts and ideas on what to add to it:
From stories you wrote, to photos, stones and nature objects that you find in your travels…
Come by and grab one today!

As I begin to shift my focus, ever so slightly, in preparation for this upcoming year as DLRE (Director of Lifespan Religious Education), I am looking for tools and resources to support us parents and caregivers in our work of raising change-makers & heart-led revolutionaries.
In this quest, I’ve stumbled upon the above book,
the sandbox revolution.
If you have a moment, please take a look. I’d love to organize a common reading of it together as we re-gather this fall. (Conversely, I am deeply open to suggestions for other reads, as well. Particularly from queer, bipoc & marginalized voices related to parenting. Please, feel free to send ideas my way!)
Thank You! ~Amy Day
HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection & Conversation
Nature Speaks
Friday, June 25th 2:30-4:30 PM
Join Heather O’connell on the HUUF grounds for this nature based workshop.
Suggested Donation $25
Space is Limited – RSVP Required
In this engaging and highly experiential circle participants can expect to experience a series of drum and/or rattle journeys to establish a direct connection with and receive guidance and healing directly from the Land, Trees, Plants, Animals, and Elements themselves for connection and enhanced well-being.
RSVP to or text your name and email address to (707) 397-0018. Details including what to bring with you & how to submit a donation will be sent via email a few days before we gather. |

HUUF Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 20—Immediately After the Sunday Zoom Service
Please join us on Sunday, June 20, for our HUUF Congregational Meeting, immediately following our Sunday Service!
We will elect the following new Board officers and members for next year:
Debi Cooper—Co-President
Sandy Lynn—Secretary
Montana Caouette—Trustee
We will also consider the HUUF operating budget for July 2021—June 2022.
Our Finance Committee has worked diligently on the development of this budget since March, with input from the Board members, our committee chairs, and staff. The Board has approved this budget, and we bring it to the Fellowship members for approval.
To access the proposed 2021-22 Proposed Budget, click HERE , then click on the document.
Please be sure to join us as we need a quorum of members to act officially. |
From the HUUF Board of Trustees
HUUF 2021-2022 Pledge Drive Update
We are inching our way toward achieving our Pledge goal of $180,000 for the fiscal year beginning on July 1. To date, we have received pledges totalling $140,000 -Thank you!
As you know, we will have more bills to pay in 2021-22, since we have retained the Rev. Peter Farriday—and we expect to open up our children’s and youth RE programs, which require paid staff. We ask that you send in your pledge now for our next fiscal year at the level that you are able.
Next spring we will hold a more typical Pledge Drive Celebration, and we will be able once again to offer our pledges while we enjoy the company of our Fellowship community.
Many thanks!
HUUF Board of Trustees:
Berti Welty David Marshak Sally Williams Rebekah Paez Peter Gillis
Kate McClain Debi Cooper Chris West
Welcome Rev. Farriday by participating in this special project!
In Preparation for Our New Minister
HUUF’s Tech wizard, Scarlett Trippsmith, is putting together a Video Diary of All of HUUFs Members, to Present to Our New Minister, Peter Farriday, when he arrives. This is so he can get to know HUUF and its Members, matching names and faces to stories.
To participate or find out more, please contact Scarlett: ASAP |

~ Virtual Green Sheet ~
- Grounds Work Party! Saturday, June 19:This is one of the most wonderful times of the year to enjoy our grounds: plants in full bloom and critters in abundance. Please join us Saturday June 19, from 10 am to 1 pm to tend this little haven we have created, and keep it looking beautiful. In addition to our usual weeding and watering, we will disassemble the two vegetable plots in the big meadow. A little muscle will be most appreciated! And if you can only spend an hour, it really helps. If you know you can make it, call or email Val:, 707-825-7446. Many thanks, Your grounds committee
- COMING UP – Join Us: June 27 at 11:00 AM for next Sunday’s Service: Circle Round for Justice-Healing-Courage: Join the largest annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists in a powerful communal worship service, which will be part of General Assembly 2021. Time to circle round in community, in care and healing, for liberation and justice and for love and courage. This part of the national conference will be streamed through the Fellowship and will include our virtual coffee hour afterward. *Zoom links for Sunday Services are now being posted on our website
- In person services are coming! Sunday, July 18 at 11:00 AM will mark the return of HUUF in person services as we enter into our new “Hybrid” format. Services will be conducted as an intimate outdoor discussion circle and a similar format will be held on our Zoom platform at the same time. BUT we need YOUR input as our hard working worship leaders work out all the details. PLEASE HELP BY COMPLETING THIS SURVEY. – July Service Survey
- HUUF Aesthetics and Art news: Currently Eve Anderson’s photo collages are displayed in The HUUF sanctuary. They have bravely hung there all through the pandemic. In Mid August the art/ Aesthetics Committee would like to put up an All Fellowship show to celebrate the arrival of our new Minster. So select/create your finest art and frame them! Watch for the entry date. -TBD
- Save Paper- Submit your 2021/2021 fiscal pledge online!: It’s Easy.. just click HERE . Once you complete the form, click the submit button and your pledge promise will be received, recorded and tracked by the office.