Services 4-23
Sunday Services
Sunday, April 2 – 11:00 a.m. – Resistance – Berti Welty
Resistance has many definitions, one of which is “any force that tends to oppose or retard motion.” Berti Welty will lead this discussion-centered service which will focus on resistance of a personal nature. Questions to be discussed will address the ways in which resistance inhibits a person from reaching their full potential.
Sunday, April 9 – 11:00 a.m. – The Path is Made by Walking – Dave Holper
The Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain is an increasingly popular site for seekers of all creeds, nationalities, and backgrounds to embark upon a pilgrimage. Join us as Dave Holper, inaugural Poet Laureate for the city of Eureka, shares the story of his own month-long journey upon this well-worn path. Hear tales from his adventures (and misadventures) as well as wisdom gained from this seemingly simple act of walking.
Sunday, April 16 – 11:00 a.m. – Enhancing Faith in a Creator by Exploring the Universe of Galaxies, Planets, and Everything Between – Dr. Jon Pedicino
Jon Pedicino, who has served as professor of astronomy at College of the Redwoods for 22 years, also serves as deacon at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Arcata. He will offer us his perspectives and enthusiasm in a presentation continuing HUUF’s occasional series in which pastors from other faith traditions share the unique richness of spiritual life that they experience in their own paths.
Sunday, April 23 – 11:00 a.m. – Stone Soup Sunday
The hands are said to be an extension of the heart. Join us on this Social Action Sunday as we put our fingers to work in service of our hearts’ values. In partnership with Arcata House, we will prepare meals for those experiencing homelessness in our region. Participants will also be invited to share their personal stories of activism, advocacy, and care as we continue to offer up this work of service as our prayer. The Zoom Portion of this service will be a Poem Potluck hosted by the Friday Poets. Please bring a favorite poem by you or someone else to share!
Sunday, April 30 – 11:00 a.m. – Beltane Celebration! – Priestess Yemaya Kimmel
Come for this lively and spirited all-ages exploration of the pagan holiday of Beltane. Priestess Yemaya Kimmel will be our guide as we gather outside for music, ritual and wisdom-sharing. There will also be crafts and activities that honor this ancient Earth-based observance. There will be multiple opportunities to move our bodies, lift our voices, and collectively welcome the blooming, fecund energies of the season