Services Summer 2019
July Services
Sunday, July 7 – 10 a.m. – Songs of Love, Laughter and Leaving – Sandy Lynn
In celebration of our six years with Rev Bryan and Edie Jessup, Sandy Lynn will lead us in singing songs that reflect our experiences together. We will also sing our way into the adventures ahead, whether it be retirement for the Jessups or our congregation’s journey toward learning how to “make new friends but keep the old.” A farewell party for the Jessups will follow the service.
Sunday, July 14 – 10 a.m. – Embracing Change, Leaning Into Conflict – Dave Troxel
Change is said to be the only constant in life, and the conflict that often accompanies change can present some of life’s greatest opportunities. As part of our Fellowship and the larger human community, we find ourselves immersed in change, and the opportunities for growth in relationship and understanding are also constantly expanding. This service will illuminate some of the resources and tools we can all use as we grow together in beloved community. We will invite a discussion of how these resources can be applied to the opportunities being encountered every day in the life of HUUF.
Sunday, July 21 – 10:00 a.m. – Poetry of Change – Pat McCutcheon
As we explore a time of transition for the Fellowship, come hear poets from the congregation share their work. We will also hear poems written by our incoming minister, Anthony Johnson, from his book “What If God Is a Woman?”
Sunday, July 21 – 10 a.m. – What Nourishes My Soul in Times of Change – Berti Welty
Berti will share some ideas to set off our thinking caps. Then, together we’ll share practices, perceptions, actions, etc., which may help each of us rejuvenate our energies and regain our balance. Come prepared to join in the discussion and celebration. Together we will nourish each other. What feeds your soul?
August Services
Sunday, Aug. 4 – 10 a.m. – Books as Inspiration – Ann King and JoAnn Huffman
Reading opens whole new worlds to us. It’s a gateway into lush gardens of thought, attitude, inspiration and speculation, providing new views into imagination and possibilities for action. Bring one or two of your favorite books and be ready to share their essence. Maybe bring a small notepad along so you can start yet another reading list.
Sunday, Aug. 11 – 10 a.m. – Hiroshima and Nagasaki 75 Years Later – Maureen Lawlor
It’s been seven decades since these two events rocked the world. In all that time, and with all that reflection, what have we learned, if anything? Are we human beings somehow different with how we deal with each other? What, if anything, do we hope to pass onto future generations? This will be an interactive program.
Sunday, Aug. 18 – 10 a.m. – Curiosity: Turning Change into Adventure – Todd Hoberecht
Change seems to be a constant in our lives. Each day our bodies change, the seasons change, the tides come and go, forever changing the beaches near us. Here at HUUF we are in a season of monumental change with Edie and Bryan leaving us. Today we will look at curiosity as a means of not only weathering this season, but making it rewarding, exciting and, like spring, a time of new opportunity.