JOIN THE LIVE ZOOM SERVICE by clicking this link: HUUF Sunday Service, Meeting ID: 975 6943 4846
Our beloved community includes the world in which we live with its other inhabitants. Join storyteller Ali Freedlund as she brings to life stories of kindness, community and respect for all. Ali has been telling original stories for over a decade here on the North Coast. She will also tell other stories during the 10:15-10:45 a.m. family time.
Celebrating the Interconnected Web of Life in Story
Guest Presenter – Ali Freedlund-February 7th, 2021
Gathering Music: “IX. La Marchande d’eau Fraîche” Histoires by Ibert …….. Annette Gurnee Hull
Welcome and Service orientation ……….……….……….……….………..………. Scarlett Trippsmith
Chalice Lighting & Aspiration & Speaker Intro …………….……….……….………………. Berti Welty
Story for All Ages: ‘Lucy the Bear’.…………….……….……….……….………………… Ali Freedlund
Gathering Hymn “Come Come Whoever You Are” – Soul Matters packet
Joys and Sorrows/Moment of Silence ………..…….…………….……….……………….. Berti Welty
Offertory Words….…….…………….……….…….…….………………..……………….….. Berti Welty
Offertory: “VIII. La Cage de Cristal” Histoires by Ibert ………….………….. Annette Gurnee Hull
Stories of the Interconnected Web of Life ……………………….…………………… Ali Freedlund
Remembering Miguel
Indiana Steve
Breath of Life
Closing Hymn: “We Are One” SM packet video from GA – Soul Matters packet
Extinguishing the chalice & Sing “Go Now in Peace”……………..…………………… Berti Welty
Virtual Coffee hour/ Animal Dance Party